You'll be glad the day you get your grapple!! You really don't need anything wider than about 4 feet if you have a compact tractor. Stay away from the heavy or wide stuff. Stay light weight to keep from overloading your tractor and robbing capacity. No point in wide and heavy. A single cylinder "clamp" is plenty adequate for most users. If you shop a can find a grapple for around $1200 or so. (plus any hydraulics needed to get to the front of the loader).
I wonder how I got by without my grapple. :rolleyes: Pick up piles of sticks, rocks, logs, and more. The lower "bucket" tines could be a bit shorter than those on my you don't place too much torque on the loader with shorter tines.....and can rake the soil a bit better......IMO. (Mine work pretty good....but shorter may be better - sometimes less is more!)