Pictures from the stand

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In the woods

Thick stuff stand, not far from a highway.

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This is a new stand we hung this year, easy access only about 15yds in from the ag field, apple trees line the edge of the field and there is a couple oaks in there. Emerald ash borer has killed a ton of ash trees in this area but the regrowth is amazing.

Looking out into the dug field with the line of apple trees, pretty good trails in and around there.

Kind of hard to see but the food plots are about 100yds through there, trying to catch them coming or going to them.

THis is some of the regrowth after the death of the ash trees, eldeberry, dogwood, blackberries etc.

Gotta love the color change scenery scott!
I have a dumb phone, so pics not "live" from the stand.
Shot to the NNW of my stand tonight, brassica/clover plot
View attachment 7750

Shot pretty much to the W, in the middle of the pic off in the distance you can kind of see the yellowing tamaracks. That would be the top of them, the land drops off pretty good as that is the direction to the lake.
View attachment 7749
Shot pretty much S, another small brassica plot in the distance
View attachment 7751
You guys have some really neat looking stuff in MN, i've never been to the Mid NW but I'd love to see that country some day.
BV...when you drive around this area you'd sure think "deer heaven". At least I did when I started looking for land here.

All signs point to it really is a deer heaven its just someone didn't manage the resource properly. :'(
Decent 9 point From the Stand tonight!

Is he still walking the earth?
I saw a 160" ten tonight at 300 yards out of the same stand. If he would have came by........
Cool Mo. I couldn't tell....did that fat boy like soys. Kind of like a fat kid on mash potatoes!

Them bucks are eating them beans big time now for about 10 more days!
BV...when you drive around this area you'd sure think "deer heaven". At least I did when I started looking for land here.
That is where all of the deer are- gone to deer heaven.
Saw 4 bucks tonight, 3 I could video tape.

I think the last buck I saw on my place was in late May or early June. The last deer was on Sept. 18.
Quite a difference!
I think the last buck I saw on my place was in late May or early June. The last deer was on Sept. 18.
Quite a difference!

One reason I am in Missouri hunting right now and not MN.
They look in great shape SD.
They looked like a bunch of porkers. Unreal!

You can't beat the power of a Soybean Plot to bring the bucks in right before the Rut! They need that type of feed to sustain a month of fighting and Love making!
You can't beat the power of a Soybean Plot to bring the bucks in right before the Rut! They need that type of feed to sustain a month of fighting and Love making!
John- do you think it would help me if I ate some of those soybeans??? Do I need to order a special variety from you?
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