Pictures from the stand

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Good yield on the beans MO? Kaching, Kaching.

Good for up here in this god for saken country!

There is a reason land rent is less than $50 an acre here! LOL
Talked with the farmer pulling beans on the fields N of my property (no irrigation). I am no farmer but that soil would be better suited for outdoor volleyball courts! He told me he averagd 30 bushel/acre and was tickled pink.

For blow sand that ain't bad for this year.

The MN average will be 47 bu per acre this year for beans. We were lucky to beat that with a good crop. I think all the notilling has helped plenty. The bad was most farmers up here got hit with white mold in the beans this year and that trimmed some yield. But all in all, most of the beans here will average in the 50's for real, but there will be some guys at the coffee shop saying there's all went 70 bu per acre. LOL
My Buddy tried his hand a filming tonight.

Nice deer 125-130ish score?? He looks fat!
That is awesome. I hate to ask but is that not a shooter? That deer has to be pushing 250lbs.
Nice deer 125-130ish score?? He looks fat!

120 maybe, he's got no brows to speak of.
That is awesome. I hate to ask but is that not a shooter? That deer has to be pushing 250lbs.

A shooter? Not even close for here.
It must be easy to pass on 125" bucks when you have numbers of 145+" bucks running around :D

This friend of mine was having fun video taping this little buck in front of him when a 145" 9 pointer came out of the CRP into the bean plot. He shut the camera off quick and picked up his bow. And watch the buck feed at 100 yards til he ran out of light. He said he was shaking for 20 minutes while watching it. LOL.
"little buck" Don't forget your roots John you're already talking like a Missouri resident. You know us Mn guys would be all over that deer!
"little buck" Don't forget your roots John you're already talking like a Missouri resident. You know us Mn guys would be all over that deer!

You guys may be all over that buck in Mn, but you would get kicked in the nuts if I had to help you drag it out down here. Just sayin....
Different worlds. I will get there someday passing deer like that but my land portfolio isn't there yet. I have big plans to change that someday. Pretty cool situation you are in.
125" deer is going to hit the ground in Pa. He would probably be the best buck around for some distance. Passing on a 125" here & waiting for a bigger one is likely to get you a lllllooooonnnnggggg wait.
A couple from one of the waterholes, one from earlier this year and one from last year......


Another waterhole pic......

How many yards from the stand to the far bank of the waterhole?
Food plot.....

Sun coming up....

How many yards from the stand to the far bank of the waterhole?

Those are two separate waterholes. One is about 40 yards and one is about 45 yards to the far bank.
Bur you have some of the prettiest spots to sit I've seen in a while.
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Taken a couple weeks ago.

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