Pet Deer???


5 year old buck +
Check this brother just sent me pics of a buck that wandered on to his 20 acres at the beginning of August for the first time. My nephew was petting and feeding it. Then he showed me a 10 minute video of this thing playing with him. He would grab it's antlers and head butt the thing. The deer would then excitedly jump in the air, run a circle, and come back for more. It's obviously had a lot of human contact, but seems to be making the rounds thru all the 10-40 acres tracts that surround him. He has been back several times.

Sister-in-law is trying to prevent someone from shooting him. LOL
That's crazy :eek:
There is a pet doe in a town near me. It is 4-5 years old, walks the streets, plays with dogs, and beds in front lawns. It also hangs out with the salmon fisherman. The DEC was going to put it down and I believe the town went to the governor to prevent it. Deer is still walking the streets. The more unbelievable part is it is in a brown is down town and still kicking.
I can see the storyline come Nov... "Hunter shoots pet collared deer... town in uproar."
As long as one of my nephews doesn't shoot this one, there will be peace in the family. If they do, my Sis-in-law will be on the war path!!!
When I lived on the farm In Nowthen MN just east of Elk River, we had a neighbor that had a pet deer he raised from a fawn. He turned out to be a dam nice 8 point buck at 5 years old. Well one day his kids left the cage door open after feeding in the morning and it wandered off. The guy could not find it anywhere. Since it was just after MN shotgun season, he thought it would be safe until he could find it. Well one day he opens the newspaper to see an article about a buck treeing a Truck Driver at the weigh scale on hwy 10 in Ramsey. The trucker had truck problems and had 2 hours to kill so he went for a walk down the railroad tracks for a while, when he stumbled upon this big 8 point buck running towards him down the tracks. The trucker ran his ass off to the nearest tree and climbed up 10'. The buck would walk away for a while and the trucker tried to jump down and run back to the weigh station, but the buck would come running and the trucker would climb the tree again. This went on for several hours until someone heard the guy screaming for help. They called the cops. The cops and highway patrol showed up to see what the hell was going on. The deer then ran up to the get petted, ..........because it was tame, but the cops didn't know that, so they made swiss cheese out of that deer with shotgun and pistol fire. It made the Front page of the local newspaper. Headline said "Crazed deer shot by cops after attacking Trucker".........Bahahahahahaha!

No one ever found out it was a pet deer my buddy Al raised, and Al never told anyone it was his. Because he never had any paperwork saying he could have the deer as a pet. LOL
Here's a link to my pet deer encounter about 2 years ago:

One of the symptoms of EHD is tameness. That's always a possibility. Notice the deer that walked into my yard looks pretty rough. The deer the OP posted looks healthy.
You just got to get some videos of them head butting.
You just got to get some videos of them head butting.
I will see if I can round up the video too.
I feel this could be a very dangerous situation when the rut hits. Someone could get hurt.

It would be best if he is removed or shot.
I feel this could be a very dangerous situation when the rut hits. Someone could get hurt.

That boy won't want to chase deer. He will be into gilrls till his mid twenties. No worries aArt.
I feel this could be a very dangerous situation when the rut hits. Someone could get hurt.

It would be best if he is removed or shot.
Very true Art. Several years ago a local guy was killed by his pet buck during the rut.
I know several guys with tame deer where the buck took the owner down when the rut hit. They called and wanted the buck dehorned.

As a youth, there was a yearling buck that wandered around our small town. He was everybody's pal until the rut. I think the town cop took care of him back then.

Hit butting is not safe behavior for a tame deer and just wait for the rut to hit- I fear.....
There is an art to sparring with whitetail bucks.

I prefer the ancient art of gun powder to help insure victory.
Just name him Cecil....and report his whereabouts to the Dental Association. Problem solved.
There is an art to sparring with whitetail bucks.

I prefer the ancient art of gun powder to help insure victory.

You are coming around.

No mention of arrows.
A farmer I knew had a fawn his family found abandoned. They kept it and put it in the barn with the cows and had it for about 3 years. It was tame to the whole family so they did the pink ribbon thing also with a bell around it's neck. No good. Hunting season came around and some local guy shot it. So much for a pink visual and bell audio alert to a pet deer !!!