Ordering a 606NT and need some help


Buck Fawn
I am new to the forum and to No Till drills. I am ordering a new 606NT this week.

I wanted some input from those who use these drills on selecting the proper coulter and press wheels. I will be using this in southern Iowa to plant food plots and native grasses. Most will be existing food plots, but I do want to plant several acres of NWSG and switch grass into sod.

My choices are:
Coulter-5/16" fluted or 5/8" Turbo
Press wheels-3"x13" double rib; 3"x13" center rib; 2"x13" smooth; 1"x12" double-V; or double wedge-style

Thanks for your input.
I'm in NE MO and have the turbo coulters and center rib press wheels. Unless you plan on planting native grasses every year or two, I'd rent a drill with a native seed box. The native box makes the drill pretty big, and heavy, especially in the 3P version. I would NEVER get the 3 point model with a native grass box. Might also consider the weight brackets.
Same ^^^
But I do have a native box on a pull type. I agree it wouldn't be optimum on a 3 PT but it's not bad on the back of pull type. I agree though if your not planting a lot of natives it's not worth it. You can plant switch grass trough the main seed box because it's not fluffy seed.
Thanks for the info.
I'd see if @Sligh1 can weigh in here or on his site IowaWhitetail.com. He's very familiar with these drills and likely in your area.

I have only used the wavy type coulters on a no-till and i appreciate the little soil disturbance and seed bed they help with. Others might see it different. Don't have any input on the closing wheels.
I have the turbo coulters and smooth press wheels on mine. Don’t think I would change anything if ordering another one. Western NY/Northern PA. It’s a great drill, you will love it.
Following this, as I'm pondering a 606NT myself, in my land of heavy dirt and abundant residue.
Bumping up - with a 606NT, if you were using it to plant on heavy dirt, with maximum residue to cut through, which press wheels and coulter types are recommended? I'll probably go with weight brackets just in case.
That definitely describes my planting conditions. My 606NT has the turbo coulters and smooth press wheels. Totally happy with how it performs and would not change anything. I rented a 706NT for a decade with the same setup.
That definitely describes my planting conditions. My 606NT has the turbo coulters and smooth press wheels. Totally happy with how it performs and would not change anything. I rented a 706NT for a decade with the same setup.
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