Ohio Farm Tours

Can mowing be a good termination tool?

Been a few crazy busy days around the farm. Lots of updates coming.

I did take time to slow down and pick a few great handfuls of fresh blackberries off the vine.

So delicious and refreshing on these hot summer days

IMG_7421.jpegIMG_7422.jpegCustomer and friend @csulli16 sent these pictures. “One side has been in Vitalize 1-2 system for two years. The other side is a new planting. Can you tell which side has been in the system?”

Which side do you think?!

Making biology work for him!! So thankful for our customers and amazing feedback!!
Using TSI along foodplots - part 1

Living mulch!!

Why we use Sudan and Sorghum in our NitroBoost.

Garden update -
100+ tomatoes now and all staked!!
Ready for heat and growth!!

I love this time of year. The deer are almost always head down in the NitroBoost. We are monitoring bucks. Monitoring browse pressure on plots and TSI. Getting general ideas of fawn recruitment, and making plans for Fall planting!!

Once Fall planting is done, we will have many discussions on next years projects, harvest quotas, and ways we can continue to improve our soil, habitat and wildlife habitat.
Nobody likes using chemicals, but if you need to - here are some quick tips to maximize their effectiveness.
