Ohio Farm Tours

We are a month from planting our Carbon Load and the Nitroboost is doing work for us both in soils and feeding a pile of deer!!

Not only is it adding the above ground biomass we see here but just imagine the below ground root system on these plants.

By Carbon Load time - the amount of above and below ground biomass will be fantastic!!

I will plant CL right into this and spray/crimp/or mow off depending on the fields total species makeup. The NB will cover the soil (smothering weeds). As the roots and thatch breakdown they’ll be feeding the Carbon Load- and is goes the 1-2 cycle!!

Cannot wait to see this height in 30 days!!
We cannot control Mother Nature.

We can control quality of our product and our customer service!

Every customer and order sincerely matters to us and we cannot thank all those who continue to support and leave jaw dropping reviews like this!!

Humbling to say the least. Thank you all!! Fall is around the corner.
Vitalize Clover/Oats/Chicory ☘️ 🌾 🥬
Planted Fall of 2023 (light till.Seeded. Packed).
Planted in a blueberry patch
Soil ph 4.8 (ideal for 🫐)
Mowed twice this year
Almost weed free!
Feeding wildlife and soil and in this case🫐

Spraying our Fish Fert+Humics with the Tanio mycorrhizal fungi. I absolutely love this combo. I treat my yard to my tomatoes to my foodplots. Typically fungi inoculants need to be on the roots but with this being in soluble form- I’ve really enjoyed using it. The root structure in plants I’ve used these on has been phenomenal!!! That’s a one pass, loaded nutrient pack!!

IMG_7900.jpegIMG_7899.jpegIMG_4996.jpegVitalize Clover, ☘️, chicory 🥬, oats 🌾

This is what you get when you order our 22.5 lbs bag
9+ lbs of clover
Remainder black oats
Free shipping

Individually packed for the growers benefit!

This allows you to plant this Fall and save some clover to frost seed in early Spring.

Yesterday I was honored by the State of Ohio Forestry Department to host a field day at the farm. This event was to show landowners the amount of work I have done over the past 10 years - primarily in the timber-
and to get them excited about their farms!

We covered wildlife habitat, cull tree removal, invasive species removal, mid story removal, clear cuts, equip programs and of course a little on soils!!

We had NRCS, ODNR, Ohio Forestry, Soil and Water and more state agencies and about 50 guests at the event.

Absolutely an honor and so happy dad came to enjoy the day with me as well! Thanks to all my friends and family who’ve supported my passion and helped in various ways over the years.

Awesome commercial our frien Nathan Nelson put together for us!! Check it out!!