5 year old buck +
I'd venture to say that you get picked-off a lot more than you think you do. Some deer that smell you may be 2 hundred or more yards away and you never knew they were even there. Just because they don't snort doesn't mean we weren't busted.
But the most frequent "pick-off" that happens is when we aren't even in our stand. It happens hours or days after we've left. IMO, it's the residual odors that screw us the most. A clean hunter leaves less residual odor which dissipates sooner which leads to a less educated deer herd. Educated deer are a lot harder to hunt than uneducated ones.
Agreed 100%.
That grassy hillside is usually 1/4 to 1/2 mile long before getting to cover at the bottom. My routine is to sneak to the top of the hill, glass the bottom and feeder draws to make sure nothing can spot me walking in. I wear elimitrax overboots/leggings (these are the only way I've ever found to keep deer and coyotes from catching my scent trail). I hunt with the wind in my face and the hill to my back, at the edge of the cover. I don't touch grass, sticks, or anything with my hands. I watch the hillside to my back while hunting. The only critters that pass across my walk-in trail are usually coyotes, since wearing overboots they don't wind me anymore (they use to). I glass before I leave to make sure I don't get spotted. I walk out using a different path and once again don't touch stuff.
I don't hunt based on deer sign, I don't scout on site during season. I don't run trail cameras at hunting sites. I basically don't do anything that disturbs the area I hunt. I pick spots that I can hunt without disturbance rather than where I think deer are at.
Having access to the land that I do affords me the opportunity to hunt outside of where the deer frequent without stepping foot into "their" area's. I use to hunt in the trees, along the creek bottoms, on the edge of the forest, at the top of the bluff, or on the edge of ag fields. I found that my first hunt was always my best hunt in that stand. Every hunt after that had less and less sightings (especially mature bucks). This was when I was crazy about scent reduction. With the way I hunt now I don't see a burn-out on stand locations like I use to. I'm just as likely to see mature deer on the 10th hunt on site as the 1st. It's a method that works for me. I like it. I see more of the deer that I want to see, more bobcats, more coyotes, and have started shooting older deer on a more consistent basis. Not saying at all that your method isn't great and the best way to approach your particular terrain, it just isn't how I hunt anymore.

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