Norway Spruce fertilizer


5 year old buck +
I have 25 trees coming tomorrow from cold stream. Not for the woods but for use near the house this time as a windbreak and blocking out he neighbors. They are 3-4 footers. Any tips on planting and or fertilization would be greatly appreciated
I haven't planted any Norways of that size at camp - only seedlings. I don't fertilize those until year 2. Then I start spreading some 10-10-10 around them & it seems to get them growing faster. I've read that NOT fertilizing in the planting hole is usually best so the roots don't get burned. Adding some composted manure to the backfill would be a plus I'm sure. Slow release of nutrients from compost …… no burn. They should make a great windbreak.
Agree with Bows 100%
I’ve planted quite a few that size from Coldstream, same as apple trees make your hole plenty big get all air pockets out water in good. I don’t use any fertilizer until second or third year, triple 10 or 15 just outside of drip line.
Norway’s do better for me if not over watered, I’ve not planted any bare root this time of year normally I plant them in early spring, my concern would be root shock on trees that size that aren’t dormant.
Get them in ground as soon as possible and keep roots moist while planting.
I always put a few fertilizer plugs in the bottom the hole, cover them with dirt when I first plant. They are specific to conifers, more acidic I believe, and theroots as they grow will find the soil that the fertilizer evolves ito.
They came yesterday. Got em al in the ground today. Watered in and done. Ran a 200 foot soaker hose so I can keep them moist in a controlled fashion. Should work well
I think spruce are one of the most beneficial things to plant for a variety of benefits. Windbreak, fresh-scented air, bird nesting haven, cover for everything from tweety birds to rabbits to deer, and a visual screen if needed.

If my home sat on more acreage, I'd have a grove of them planted !! I think you'll love having them Livesintrees.