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Non-electric plot fence?


5 year old buck +
Just ran across an article from Outdoor Life where a guy is trying a dual fence system of simple flagging tape instead of electric fence. It just came out, and I don't believe there is an update yet. Interesting concept, but i'm not sure that would work. What say you?
What say me?.......Bahahahahahahahahahaha!
on the latest episode of they show a night video of a young buck going to take a sniff of the electric wire of a dual fence system, needless to say the spark was clearly visible, Im betting the shock factor is a huge part of the dual fence system. But it would sure make it a lot cheaper if you didnt have to buy the solar fencer.
I saw that too. Very cool video. A week or two ago, I asked about the reasoning for a double fence, and they responded right away.
Non electric might work just fine on previously educated deer.
I've wondered if a guy could get away not having to electrify the inner 2 strands. A deers gonna walk right through that garabage. That tape is like paper. I bet his experiment would work a hell of a lot better if he had a hot exterior line.
700' of tape for $7, ok that's cheap but won't last much more than a season. Ever have a roll of that contractors tape get wild, it's a mess.
I bought a mile of 14 gauge wire for $86 and it will last years. I'm gonna paint it in the spool for better visibility. I'm a plot fence rookie, but I do know you'll have to have at least that outside wire hot