New toy. Not habitat related

Here's the deal, shop manual. Not one of those chilton's "we'll get you in more trouble than you're already" in books, but a genuine shop manual.

Don't know if you saw my coronet thread but I took that car 100% apart. Every nut, bolt, screw, wire and washer. 85% of it is nuts and bolts.

I struggle with fuel systems and electrical. Luckily, I have an ace in the hole there. True story, in Boy Scouts I was an older kid. This pimply face 11 year old joined and took a lot of picking on. I stood up for him and kinda took him under my wing. Fast forward 35 years and that kid now runs a custom drag car fabrication shop. Anytime I get stuck he's there to get me out of jam. Not a bad return for treating a kid decent.
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^^^ That thing is COOL! You seriously bidding on it? I hope you get it. Rat rods are some of my favorites and that one has a little MadMax look to it.
Post burnout pics once you get it:)

Won! And it's coming to my house for less than the cost of the drive train. Guy needs room for a new project and got to a point where this is working on him. I know that feeling with a major build.

Gonna use it to pull this.




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Awesome (on both cars)!!!!

So, what's her stats? sbc? auto or 4-speed? I see a-arms instead of a straight axle... s-10?
Awesome (on both cars)!!!!

So, what's her stats? sbc? auto or 4-speed? I see a-arms instead of a straight axle... s-10?

1966 C-10
Pontiac 12 bolt rear. Which is basically a chevelle 12 bolt. Don't know the gears. Don't care. I can fix it :)
Automatic 400 turbo trans.
454 Chevy big block. Don't know HP. Til we get it on the dyno.

Coil over shocks up front. 4 wheel disc brakes. Zoomie glass pack exhausts X 8

Basically lots more than I could buy for what I paid for this thing. But it's an acquired taste :D
1966 C-10
Pontiac 12 bolt rear. Which is basically a chevelle 12 bolt. Don't know the gears. Don't care. I can fix it :)
Automatic 400 turbo trans.
454 Chevy big block. Don't know HP. Til we get it on the dyno.

Coil over shocks up front. 4 wheel disc brakes. Zoomie glass pack exhausts X 8

Basically lots more than I could buy for what I paid for this thing. But it's an acquired taste :D

I should have looked closer, I didn't even notice the exhaust spacing or valve covers to know it was a big block. I would have never guessed the front suspension.

Very cool list of parts and not just a cooky cutter "throw it on an s-10 frame" type of build. A true rat rod!

Congrats again and a great duo of cars you have!
Here's the deal, shop manual. Not one of those chilton's "we'll get you in more trouble than you're already" in books, but a genuine shop manual..........

took a lot of picking on. I stood up for him and kinda took him under my wing. Fast forward 35 years and that kid now runs a custom drag car fabrication shop. Anytime I get stuck he's there to get me out of jam. Not a bad return for treating a kid decent.

Thanks for the tip, Bill. You got me thinking that I could try that if/when I get to retirement and have at least a little spare time on my hands. That gives me something more to look forward to.

Having resources like that is invaluable. I've got a bunch of them in various niches. Life would be a lot tougher without them. As a side note, no doubt in my mind that what one does in their life/how they treat people always finds a way to come back around on them in completely unanticipated ways.
That thing looks BAD A**!
Steve, once you get a shop manual start watching youtube video's. You can find anything on there and they will "show" you how to do things. You can also start with some junk small engines (like a lawn mower or go-cart engines). Great way to get your hands dirty without giving a damn if you get it right or not. A lot can learned from cheap junk before you jump into the big stuff.
Thanks Catscratch...great tip!
Small engines are a good cheap way to start.

money saved can surprise you. My F-250 rear end was clunking bad. Metal shavings in the rear housing when I drained the gear oil.
I didn't want to mess with it. Got a quote for $3500. I bought the ring and pinion gears and bearings. Plus the micrometers to set it up for about a grand. Took me 1 day to do the job.

Now the 4 volume set of shop manuals were like $800. But I had them.