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neighbor stole my dirt to fix his dam, advice sought

Letters, video/audio recordings, lawyers. Whoa, slow it down. You did right meeting with him and the contractor quickly to discuss the situation. It sounds highly likely that he fixes it to both of your satisfactions in the near future. Unless they "disappear" I would hold off in doing anything more than documenting with photos and notes of conversations including dates and times. This guy is a neighbor of Willy's and Willy is in a much better situation long term if they get along. Even though the neighbor was in the wrong, coming down on him to strong before he has a chance to fix it puts their future neighborly relationship at risk. A bad neighbor can be worse than a bad ex wife.
Letters, video/audio recordings, lawyers. Whoa, slow it down. You did right meeting with him and the contractor quickly to discuss the situation. It sounds highly likely that he fixes it to both of your satisfactions in the near future. Unless they "disappear" I would hold off in doing anything more than documenting with photos and notes of conversations including dates and times. This guy is a neighbor of Willy's and Willy is in a much better situation long term if they get along. Even though the neighbor was in the wrong, coming down on him to strong before he has a chance to fix it puts their future neighborly relationship at risk. A bad neighbor can be worse than a bad ex wife.

Bueller ... you really think this neighbor after spending ~5k to do the work is going to spend another $3-4k to undo the work?

From my experience, once a neighbor trespasses, never ever expect good relations going forward ... they are testing you ... you are either the pitcher or the catcher ...
Bueller ... you really think this neighbor after spending ~5k to do the work is going to spend another $3-4k to undo the work?

From my experience, once a neighbor trespasses, never ever expect good relations going forward ... they are testing you ... you are either the pitcher or the catcher ...
Had the contractor not been at the meeting with the neighbor then I'd have my doubts. The contractor has a lot more to lose here than the neighbor.
Bueller ... you really think this neighbor after spending ~5k to do the work is going to spend another $3-4k to undo the work?

From my experience, once a neighbor trespasses, never ever expect good relations going forward ... they are testing you ... you are either the pitcher or the catcher ...
Marquette County, Wisconsin

I have to second that sentiment. I have had trespassing problems since I first bought my land. I let one guy off with a warning when he drove his ATV right across my land while I was talking to the county sheriff about the problem. Guess what, he was doing the same thing last year but was trying to be sneakier about it. I can tell similar stories about other violators. I finally got one guy to stop when I filed charges against him and the sheriff gave him a $125 ticket. He got the message when it affected his wallet.
I hope your situation resolves itself. But the fact that the guy is lying about the soil in the soybean field is not a good indicator in my mind.
I don't see how this can be compared to someone trespassing for hunting or recreation. Those are "catch me if you can" acts. This neighbor did nothing secretive. There is no question who took the dirt and what they did with it. He made no attempts to conceal or hide that fact. And Willy didn't ignore the issue. He didn't give the guy an inch. He quickly called him out on what happened. I'm a betting man and I would wager that Willy and his neighbor get this situation taken care of to Willy's satisfaction without attorneys or other BS.
I tend to agree since the contractor was there. Something tells me that the old guy didn't know it happened til the contractor did it. So now he's coming up with story on "after the beans". You'll know in a few weeks.
Good for you Willy
Sounds like the meeting went well. I bet he keeps his word. The more this unfolds the more I think your playing this out the right way.
Bueller, I will take that bet. His neighbor's actions speak volumes to the character and integrity of his neighbor. Which in my opinion, is that of a jackal. I am sure that he met with him to play him along. Sure, I hope it resolves itself without lawyers or authorities. I am just not a huge believer that all people have good intentions or will do the right thing. His neighbor strikes me as just the opposite. I don't see the neighbor spending any money to restore the area to the way it was before he stole the dirt. I truly hope I am wrong. I guess my opinions have been formed from the experiences that I have had over the years.
If the neighbor makes it right, I owe you a huge apology. Time will tell.
I don't see how this can be compared to someone trespassing for hunting or recreation. Those are "catch me if you can" acts. This neighbor did nothing secretive. There is no question who took the dirt and what they did with it. He made no attempts to conceal or hide that fact. And Willy didn't ignore the issue. He didn't give the guy an inch. He quickly called him out on what happened. I'm a betting man and I would wager that Willy and his neighbor get this situation taken care of to Willy's satisfaction without attorneys or other BS.

The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is ... that the pessimist is an experienced optimist ... ;)

JFK52, no apologies necessary no matter how this ends. We all have our own opinions and predictions.

Tree Spud, I wouldn't call myself an optimist but you are right I'm far from a pessimist. Dirtbags usually show themselves to be dirtbags by more than one act. If this guy was such I'd imagine Willy would've known that long before this event.
He can pay to put cedar screen back and it may be his cheapest route.Probably no more than 200 per tree if you can find someone wanting to get rid of some cheap.Sounds like maybe a decent guy,just explain what he did wrong and what you want to fix and either your last words will be thank you or see you in court.
I am not sure why so many people feel the need to depend on others (law,court) to make their problems go away. I was raised to do everything possible myself, before asking for help from others. I would use the court as a last resort in any case. Most people will make things right on their own, if you point out to them what they did wrong. I have always been the friendly neighbor, I would help them if I see they are out doing something, and most of the time, they do the same.

Just this past spring, my neighbor stopped in as I was planting some trees, he gave me a few tips on planting them, we talked, I discussed I was going to hook up electric soon, and I needed to wire the electrical boxes. He gave me a couple tips, and said he would stop back in the afternoon, well when he stopped, I was in the back still planting trees, he hooked the power up himself, (he was an electrician).

Most neighbors are what you make of them. Treat them good, they treat you good. My neighbor behind me last rifle season tracked a deer onto my land, he was nice enough to stop in and ask if it was ok if he continued on to my land to track his deer. I told him of course, and I went and helped him. He told me if I ever needed to track on his land, it wouldnt be a problem. Being neighborly isnt that hard!