NDA: What difference does it make?


5 year old buck +
I almost deleted the NDA email today without reading it. Then I thought....maybe they have a good question or an awakening, or something to offer. WRONG.

What kinda sham outfit is this? Last weeks question was do you hunt deer every year. This weeks question is are you attending the NDA conference down south somewhere.

What is wrong with this outfit? What have they done for deer? Anything? Anyone? How do you stop a free membership in a do-nothing organization?
From what I understand they have 1 paid employee and a social media guy. The paid guy is ready to hang it up because he can get anything done. Duh.

But they have hundreds of thousands of dollars sitting and doing?
The social media guy is Mark Kenyon from Wired to Hunt. He won the QDMA communicator of the year award at last year's summit. I messaged him directly last year when i could not get an email response from Craig Dougherty. Mark told me, Craig preferred to speak directly versus through email. I tried calling 3 times but never got an answer, never left a message either. I just wanted an acknowledgement of email....never happened.
I never got any replies until a coupe weeks before the big summit. Maybe they only work for 2 weeks before the summit and collect donations while posing FB questions the rest of the year.
Coincidentally I unsubscribed this morning...
NDA Facebook has some live streams from the Summit. I had it playing in the background as I made some flu flus. Kip made the statement that political influences have state agencies doing things they are not allowed to comment on. At all.
Sign up Bur. All of us should stay in tune for any nuggets that may surface as there will be some. Knowledge is power.
X4 Seemed like too little - too late to me as it was, and it seems like they keep right in proving just how little with every email or FB post that is talked about by those who subscribe.
NDA Facebook has some live streams from the Summit. I had it playing in the background as I made some flu flus. Kip made the statement that political influences have state agencies doing things they are not allowed to comment on. At all.
I've always found it hard to believe that there could be such widespread failure across states at the same time.
I've always found it hard to believe that there could be such widespread failure across states at the same time.
Not if it is being driven on a national level. Something or someone is behind these mass declines in deer numbers and as much as we think we have found culprits, I believe they may be smoke and mirrors scapegoats that are readily visible and convenient to place blame on, such as the sustainable forestry groups. Not that they are faultless, but I think there is a bigger agenda being driven from somewhere. I think the real answer is not going to be something that any of us are going to like if we ever find out what it truly is.
Well, according to their facebook posts - attendees of the summit will be developing action plans for the top 5 identified (by vote of attendees) issues

1. Hunter retention, recruitment, re-engagement
2. Political influences on deer hunting/deer management
3. Landscape change/habitat loss
4. Public perception of hunting
5. Captive deer industry

Can't wait to see the plans they come up with.

I wonder if they took any of their member survey results into consideration on this list?
while i find their weekly emails a bit on the sparse side and their surveys to be a bit on the dull side, I will continue to be a "member", after all its free. I write in the comments on the surveys pretty much every time i take them. The way i see it, if nobody voices any opinions other than the "party line" with them they will just have a big pool of "yes men" provided data to further reinforce their non-action orientation. I'm not really under the belief that this will cause the NDA to become the org that i feel it could or should be, but if they only ever have "yes men" filling in the data then the voice of reason will never be recorded. If more action minded people took the time to fill out the surveys the more likely they are to see that there is a real need for bonafide action oriented leadership.
No idea, but I doubt it. They said the attendees voted on 15 issues and identified the top 5 to develop action plans for.
lovely, i guess when membership is free, the members opinions/ideas dont count....unless said members pay to attend the Summit?
Action plans aren't worth the paper they're written on if they don't keep them alive. Also, you can't have #1 until you fix #2. It's fitting that #2 is numbered "2." Cause it's a $h1&*^ situation.
I predicted awhile back that the biggest issue the NDA would "take on" was the captive deer industry. Looks like I'm off by 4 :rolleyes:
I'll make another prediction...the action plans developed will be part of the next poll the NDA sends out via email...and that the action plans will in effect put the onus on deer hunters to get involved locally....

Round and round we go, where we stop nobody knows

You nailed it.
Sign up Bur. All of us should stay in tune for any nuggets that may surface as there will be some. Knowledge is power.
I should, if I get time. You and foggy can just fill me in if I don't get to it.
I should, if I get time. You and foggy can just fill me in if I don't get to it.

Yep....here is what has happened at the NDA so far Art: ...........................................................0.....................................Zip, point, nadda, period. And likely what they will accomplish in the time to come. (I hope I am wrong. I would be happy to eat those words.)