My little slice of Heaven

Walking through my food plot it looks like a mess and have some weeds but lots of what I planted last fall and this spring is doing well. I see some evidence of things like Queen Ann’s Lace being browsed which wasn’t expected. A lot of flowers which is ok with me, I don’t strive for a perfect looking plot, I just want to feed and house my wildlife 😊

Some of my older non-grafted Persimmons rebounded unexpectedly, I’d written them off 2 years ago and haven’t really looked at them until this morning.

Others that I didn’t recycle the cages also took off.

I think this is AW Peas I planted last fall?

I don’t know what this stuff is but it’s in certain areas where the deer have browsed down that area.
Haven’t been on in awhile, life is busy but I have done a lot of work on the hill. Didn’t plant much new this year, maybe 20 trees total, it’s raining and I haven’t taken much for pictures yet but this was my latest adventure.

I bought a bunch of root ball makers and tried some on a Red Twig Dogwood that I grew from a stalk I sniped at the college many moons ago and now adorns my shed lol I got descent root growth in 30 days time. When I opened the balls the Promix wanted to split in two halves breaking some of the roots like the 2 sides of the ball mold weren’t one so I’ll have to adjust something there. For context, when I filled the mold on both sides, I basically made mud out of the medium and filled the cups assuming they would gel together and then closed it on the branch and the 2 sides stayed separate I guess. Anyway, I planted them in pots today so I can baby them until they go into the ground. I do know I started probably too big and should have done this when they come out of dormancy in spring. It’s more of a test of limits and since they are in my hand I wanted to try it 😎
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Haven’t been on in awhile, life is busy but I have done a lot of work on the hill. Didn’t plant much new this year, maybe 20 trees total, it’s raining and I haven’t taken much for pictures yet but this was my latest adventure.

I bought a bunch of root ball makers and tried some on a Red Twig Dogwood that I grew from a stalk I sniped at the college many moons ago and now adorns my shed lol I got descent root growth in 30 days time. When I opened the balls the Promix wanted to split in two halves breaking some of the roots like the 2 sides of the ball mold weren’t one so I’ll have to adjust something there. For context, when I filled the mold on both sides, I basically made mud out of the medium and filled the cups assuming they would gel together and then closed it on the branch and the 2 sides stayed separate I guess. Anyway, I planted them in pots today so I can baby them until they go into the ground. I do know I started probably too big and should have done this when they come out of dormancy in spring. It’s more of a test of limits and since they are in my hand I wanted to try it 😎
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That’s really neat!! Great update.
The branches started new buds but died back as I expected. It was more of a test to see how long before roots form etc. I had provisional short branches on the pots that took off so it wasn’t a complete failure.
I will use the root balls at the end of winter on the rootstock that keeps creeping out of my Methley Plumb. I’ll pot the rootstock and graft plumbs to it from the same tree and make more Methley’s. Anyway, just catching up with what pictures I can find.
I burned the MG this spring and although weedy at first it finished strong in both rows I planted.
I got my 1st AC’s this year, only a few but these are the first actual nuts.
I should have enough Hazelnuts to actually store some this year, my oldest 3 grew so much this year it puts a smile on my face