We were out at the farm checking everything out in the great sunny non raining for once weekend and took a good look at the plant life to see how it was coming along.
The pears are still growing nicely
The Durana I planted in the last year in orchard is really doing well
Over the winter I had some bad winter kill in the shrub strips between the cold and mice/voles and thought I had lost a bunch of them... the roots must have been really established because to my surprise almost everything I thought was dead is pushing good new growth up, some of the stuff might end up a little bushy but I'm fine with that.
The non damaged trees/shrubs in the strips I think are doing pretty good for their third year going, even with some deer browsing.
I was able to find a few of the silky willow cuttings from Jon-WI I planted along the road in the wet spots as road screening...they were in taller grass and were hard to find until I stepped on them. Another great surprise they seemed to have taken very well.
With the heavy rains we have had all year flooding the river out and being egg laying season I am seeing a lot of turtles...and Darcy likes to point them.
The wildflowers are starting to pop, my wife has some plans for next spring planting wanting even more in the pasture...and it's good for the bee's and butterflies
And the real reason we were out at the farm in the first place..my oldest son was in town so we took both dogs out to work them on some quail. His female GSP Lou is ten months old now and coming along pretty good. Lou was a little wild at first thinking it was play time but after she saw what was going on she caught the "serious time" vibe from Darcy and they went to work.
I could not believe how far Darcy has come along since the little puppy we brought home a year and a half ago.
On point
Lou went on point and Darcy had her first "honor" point ever!
The boys and I were very happy with both dogs and had a great time.
My youngest son has a good friend with an eight month old male GSP that I am going to start helping with on weekends off, we have had it out once and it is showing potential just needs some work.
In my retirement besides free baby sitting for grandkids I definitely want to work with bird dogs, not making them into field trialers but molding them into good old fashioned meat dogs that point/retrieve and listen and won't embarrass a hunter to much.