5 year old buck +
Had a chance to run over to this farm yesterday and take a walk around. Work has been non stop this year and the projects are never ending over at the other farm.
Most of the pears are doing pretty well, the apples are hit and miss some of them are just ugly but there are apples there. Had a little bit of FB this year and a touch of CAR on a few having some random orange spots on leaves. It was a wet cool spring followed by a long hot dry spell then good rain the last few weeks.
This year my big Gloden Hornet aborted all it's fruit and that is strange for that tree.
Some of the fruit sets;
A few pasture shots showing the wildflowers and the grasses right now. I missed pics of the big wildflower bloom out there by a couple weeks;
It looked like the jap beetles had hit the new persimon trees but the leaves are growing back. The nine new apple trees this year are all doing OK with zero love this year.
Jumped a fawn that was the same size as Darcy right between the hazelnut grove and back pond.
Button Brush by the front pond;
One of two five inch bass that were cruising the edge of front pond as I went by. Must have had a succesful spawn last year, two pics of same fish from a little vid I took of them (that's why pics so blurry).
Most of the pears are doing pretty well, the apples are hit and miss some of them are just ugly but there are apples there. Had a little bit of FB this year and a touch of CAR on a few having some random orange spots on leaves. It was a wet cool spring followed by a long hot dry spell then good rain the last few weeks.
This year my big Gloden Hornet aborted all it's fruit and that is strange for that tree.
Some of the fruit sets;
A few pasture shots showing the wildflowers and the grasses right now. I missed pics of the big wildflower bloom out there by a couple weeks;
It looked like the jap beetles had hit the new persimon trees but the leaves are growing back. The nine new apple trees this year are all doing OK with zero love this year.
Jumped a fawn that was the same size as Darcy right between the hazelnut grove and back pond.
Button Brush by the front pond;
One of two five inch bass that were cruising the edge of front pond as I went by. Must have had a succesful spawn last year, two pics of same fish from a little vid I took of them (that's why pics so blurry).