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My First Throw and Mow


5 year old buck +
I have planted small Apple/pear/persimmon/chestnut orchards in four different areas. These plots are roughly 1/3 of an acre each.

I would like to sow clover via T and M to assist in both pollination and to kill the atrocious weed bed of pasture grasses present.

All areas were sprayed yesterday and I may spray again in about 10 days when I plant.

My questions -

Should I add another seed variety as a companion to the clover or should I shoot for a straight monoculture with the clover in these orchards?

What seeding rate on the clover should I shoot for? 6# per acre enough?

Are you planning on a cover crop of wheat or rye (preferably winter rye)? I usually go about 3 lbs of mammoth red but you might want a white clover that doesn't grow as high in your orchard. Also, what are your goals for this area? Keep the weeds down to help the orchard?

Yes chuck, white clover for sure. Overall goal is weed suppression and help for bees to pollinate the trees.

So you think I should add a nurse crop of Rye to the clover for establishment?

Would 50 pounds per acre of rye mixed with 5-6 pounds per acre of white clover be a good rate for throw and mow?
Yes that would work quite well. Read some of the other threads here. There is a lot of conversations going on about clover and nurse crops. Yoder and S.TFanatic has come great advise.
Ok. Sure will. I know LC’s Mix is the bomb when tilling and cultipacking, but just wasn’t sure it would duplicate accordingly using this throw and mow method.

Thank you.
I have followed LC's mix as well but without tilling and it worked great. Best to T&M when there is a good rain in the forecast though but rye will sit there until you get rain.

I would only caution you if you plan on spraying Gly or another such product as you don't want drift onto your trees. That could be detrimental to your trees.
I have followed LC's mix as well but without tilling and it worked great. Best to T&M when there is a good rain in the forecast though but rye will sit there until you get rain.

Great to know!
I would only caution you if you plan on spraying Gly or another such product as you don't want drift onto your trees. That could be detrimental to your trees.

Yes, great point. Just getting as close as I safely can!
Will you be able to mow the WR or cut it somehow? It can make a mess the following Spring if left to self terminate. Depending on available nutrients it can get 5’ - 6’ tall and then go to seed. It does wonders for protecting the clover and helping to keep weeds at bay though.

I know you said TNM but with the trees and all I didn’t know how accessible it was.
Absolutely, yes. The trees are still very small and I have them all enclosed in cages. They are 20 feet apart so mowing with a brush hog should be fine.