5 year old buck +
@CentralKyHunter how did all your trees fair this past winter?
You always accomplish an amazing amount of habitat work. With that good help, I can see why.
You already have some great deer. I can't imagine how its going to be when all those trees you have set start dropping goodies.
You are correct Steve. It's kind of tough at times because my brother does not necessarily share my vision on the tree side of things. He could care less if a tree ever gets planted but acts like he is aggravated if I want to cull out some 15 inch maple trees here and there !!!
This last treeplanting that I am in the stages of preparing for now was a tough sell to him. I am planting 8 acres of cropland Into a Riparian Buffer with another 5000 tree planting . He was not going for it at first and I finally just told him I would rent the ground if that's what it took. I took him to the bottom and explained my vision 20 years down the road of what that bottom could look like and that it would provide something for our children that they could not buy anywhere else !!! I think when he seen the sparkle in my eyes he finally decided to agree !!!! It has been a ton of work for me the last few years and is going to be for the next 3 to 5 years and I am doing it alone but I am very passionate about the vision I hold and want to see it through .
That vision has also led me to refinance my home and all my debt into a really really short note with hopes that in the next 5 to 7 years I can make a move and hopefully buy a 200 acre farm that borders ours and make it a place for my children to take what I have taught them and do with it as they please . Plans are hard to see through these days though so we will see how it goes
I as always I appreciate the guidance and leadership that you guys provide for me in this area of my life . To this point in my life the Lord has blessed me way beyond belief and definitely more than I have deserved