My Caliber is Dead

What dont you like about the Savage Accutrigger? I have three rifles with accutrigger....and think they are great.

Tho....I cannot bring myself to use the .410 slugs for deer hunting.
I had one Accu-trigger briefly and it felt so cheesy to me. lol I didn't like it. It may have been lighter but it sure wasn't crisp.

I played with a bunch of 410 slugs years ago and determined I wouldn't shoot anything them by choice, you know unless it was life and death. .357 Mag revolver power in the best case.
Winchester Fosters slugs weighed like 83 grains?
I shoot bad guns good, and good guns bad.... Ontop of that I am left handed and right eye dominate. I should be throwing rocks at deer....... I live in NY so I am already close to doing that.

Not saying its bad at all, just doesnt work with how I shoot a gun. What I like in a gun makes people shoot worse. Since I work on my own guns, I make the triggers as close to the same. Sometime changing between wax, grease, or different oils can change a trigger.

I am not saying I am buying one more gun than I am done. But, probably get a nicer 308 down the road. Higher end savage or browning. Browning has been excellent to me so far. More shotguns though. Used to have a thing for a nice field grade citori.
I shoot bad guns good, and good guns bad.... Ontop of that I am left handed and right eye dominate. I should be throwing rocks at deer....... I live in NY so I am already close to doing that.

Not saying its bad at all, just doesnt work with how I shoot a gun. What I like in a gun makes people shoot worse. Since I work on my own guns, I make the triggers as close to the same. Sometime changing between wax, grease, or different oils can change a trigger.

I am not saying I am buying one more gun than I am done. But, probably get a nicer 308 down the road. Higher end savage or browning. Browning has been excellent to me so far. More shotguns though. Used to have a thing for a nice field grade citori.
I've got a Savage 99 in 308 Winchester. Beautiful piece....with the rotary brass magazine and counter. I do not use it for hunting the trigger is pretty heavy and it's a bit crunchy. I've been unable to locate a smith that will work on one of those trigger. Maybe I should look harder. Been told they can be difficult. Dunno..
Haven't layed much with a 99. Been all around 336s and 94's some.
Haven't layed much with a 99. Been all around 336s and 94's some.
I've accumulated three Marlin 94's all before safety was added. I have two in 357 Rem and one in 44 mag. Mine are all mountie models.....and I enjoy owning them over most other things. Just plain fun to shoot steel with them. I put Skinner peep sights on all three of them....the 44 Mag is a bit of a handful. Dont use them to hunt......just steel plates. Also got some older pre-safety Marlin 22's....and they are also fun to own.

About to give them to my grandkids pretty soon. Gonna be a bit hard for me to do but I dont shoot them much now....and I bought them all, with the idea of passing them along.....hope they enjoy them as I do. Some guns are just fav's....and those Marlin lever guns are fun to own / shoot. The grandkids are old enough to appreciate them.....I think.
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I've accumulated three Marlin 94's all before safety was added. I have two in 357 Rem and one in 44 mag. Mine are all mountie models.....and I enjoy owning them over most other things. Just plain fun to shoot steel with them. I put Skinner peep sights on all three of them....the 44 Mag is a bit of a handful. Dont use them to hunt......just steel plates. Also got some older pre-safety Marlin 22's....and they are also fun to own.

About to give them to my grandkids pretty soon. Gonna be a bit hard for me to do but I dont shoot them much now....and I bought them all, with the idea of passing them along.....hope they enjoy them as I do. Some guns are just fav's....and those Marlin lever guns are fun to own / shoot. The grandkids are old enough to appreciate them.....I think.
Only one person hunts/shoot between my wife and my side of the family. Thats another thing I keep in the back of my head, getting rid of a lifetime of crap. Between hunting, hot rodding, fishing, and food plotting I got tons of stuff I don't need, even less valuable to the kids. 38 special I miss that caliber, fun little plinker.
There's a site called beaks n brass in canada. Supossedly they can ship new 450 marlin brass to my door for about $2.50 a bullet. I went and ordered 100. Probably should of order 150. For now shoot 50, keep 50 tucked away. Will also try low recoil loads with the 325gr FTX heads too, so I cna use my a bit shorter FTX hornady brass.

I know you got a few years over me foggy. My eyes are a bit foggy with irons than they usd to be. Kinda felt bad putting a scope on my glenfield model 30 (cheapie marlin 336). But, I just don't want a deer suffering from a poorly made shot if I can help it. Luckily, the gun is still pretty light. I bought dead nutz one piece aluminum bases for the gun. Still put the old 3-9x swift that came with it.

PRobably could of bought a used 50 BMG rifle for the price I got into this reloading setup n mish mash of primers powders brass and little things you need. On a brighter note, I don't like what NY did with their ammo laws. Now I can make my own again. Shold be good to go on 30-30, 450 marlin, and 308.
There's a site called beaks n brass in canada. Supossedly they can ship new 450 marlin brass to my door for about $2.50 a bullet. I went and ordered 100. Probably should of order 150. For now shoot 50, keep 50 tucked away. Will also try low recoil loads with the 325gr FTX heads too, so I cna use my a bit shorter FTX hornady brass.

I know you got a few years over me foggy. My eyes are a bit foggy with irons than they usd to be. Kinda felt bad putting a scope on my glenfield model 30 (cheapie marlin 336). But, I just don't want a deer suffering from a poorly made shot if I can help it. Luckily, the gun is still pretty light. I bought dead nutz one piece aluminum bases for the gun. Still put the old 3-9x swift that came with it.

PRobably could of bought a used 50 BMG rifle for the price I got into this reloading setup n mish mash of primers powders brass and little things you need. On a brighter note, I don't like what NY did with their ammo laws. Now I can make my own again. Shold be good to go on 30-30, 450 marlin, and 308.
Check the Hornady website / store. They got all kinds of odd stuff on sale now.....and some pretty cheap prices....IMO.

From the article below.....I would think that 450 Marlin brass would last you a long time.....if you do not over-work it in your resizing efforts. Straight wall brass does not flow like the tapered stuff. The recoil out of that cartridge has to be pretty substantial.

Last night on FB I saw that Hornady had a store and was selling things for what sounds too cheap. Not sure it's real? Anyway....just went there now to check for 450 Marlin Brass. Sure enough the search found some at what seems to be cheap prices.

How can anyone tell if this is legit or a scam? Seems too cheap to be real. Dunno. Anybody???
^^ Scam alert. I thought those prices looked too good to be true. Damn crooks!!

Looks scammy. Said it only had 27 left, so I put 33 in the cart, used a made up address. Gave me even more of a discount total for 33 should be 452, said 195. Did appear to go to a legimiate paypal website though.

hornady does say it does not sell to public directly. GI loan is their default factory seconds place.

Straight walls in general are easy on brass. However, I may need to crimp the bullet. Crimping is almost mandatory with lever guns because they all line up ontop of eah other in the magazine tube. The BLR and a few otehr are magazine fed. Crimping also provides consistent starting pressure, which can help with consistent velocity. MAy not be a big issue because I am not shooting far. 150 is really pushing it at camp and where I hunt on the smaller parcel.
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There's pretty much scam sites for all the major manufacturers these days. 😠
There's a site called beaks n brass in canada. Supossedly they can ship new 450 marlin brass to my door for about $2.50 a bullet.
Graf and Sons has ammo in stock... comes out to about that. Of course then there's shipping, tax and NY nonsense....

Most I've ever paid for brass is $5-6 a case. Oof.
Graf and Sons has ammo in stock... comes out to about that. Of course then there's shipping, tax and NY nonsense....

Most I've ever paid for brass is $5-6 a case. Oof.
I get my old hunting buddy back out of all this. A little gouging is going on on gunbroker. Custom made brass from half way across the world should cost a few bucks.

Went back to grafs to check what I paid for the starline 30-30 brass $46 for 100. Tey had a Ad on their main page for a fresh batch of hornay brass that came in. No 450 marli in the pack. 444 marlin lasted all these years, even 308 marlin, but not 450.....

Unfortunately, you can not ship ammo to your home in NY. Can ship it to a local ffl. I haven't opened the tin in a few years on my 450 marlin amm box. Had maybe a dozen boxes of factory 325gr.

I have a rule I like to keep a 50 cal tin filled with ammo for each gun I have. Better to have a few guns with lots of ammo than a lot of gun with little ammo. Most of NY is not much of a hunter's challenge. whitetails and black bear are not tough to kill, and most places the ranges aren't big. Not too common seeing a 500 yard wide field here in atleast my part of NY.
Better to have a few guns with lots of ammo than a lot of gun with little ammo.
I dunno, sure comes in handy when the ammo and reloading supply shortages hit. lol "Bring me a cartridge and I can probably shoot it." 😉

Oh I know all about NY's silly ammo nonsense, I registered my little company as a reseller when it came about. Did a fair amount for a while, but in recent years not too much. Now the background nonsense has made it even more "fun". I thought that would have me doin more transfers, not less. But seems like people have just given up and I buying in bulk when they're out of state.
Yeah folks have boycotted buying stuff in NY over it. Little guys siffer. Many from my camp are in the binghamton area, they just hop across state lines.

The governor has just put the cap and invest law in. She will collect like 3 billion a year from companies who used oil to make a profits. Smalls like wer'e getting 6-8 dollar gas like californa pays. Bypassing what they call "tax". Not hunting today. I am at home sick watching midway. USed to live near roosevelt field in long island. alot of aircrft built in WWII launched from that field. Worked at a power plant build in the 1920's over there. They kept 2 windows they blacked out for WWII so the nazi subs couldn't find them. Sad what an empire this placed used to be. The steam turbine and gas turbine were basically invented here as well as modern power infrastructure in Schenectady. We got weed farms and 3rd bathrooms instead...........

Im a bit guilty, when the sign for ammo thing came out, but was not in effect yet, I bought plenty of 22lr and whatever other calibers I could buy.
I dunno, sure comes in handy when the ammo and reloading supply shortages hit. lol "Bring me a cartridge and I can probably shoot it." 😉

Oh I know all about NY's silly ammo nonsense, I registered my little company as a reseller when it came about. Did a fair amount for a while, but in recent years not too much. Now the background nonsense has made it even more "fun". I thought that would have me doin more transfers, not less. But seems like people have just given up and I buying in bulk when they're out of state.
We are coming into the best time of year to stock up on some ammo. Seems like of the more popular cartridges are quite plentiful now. Prices have moderated too.....some are again relatively "cheap". Ammo is like the buying into the stock market. Dollar cost averaging may be the key over time.
Yeah folks have boycotted buying stuff in NY over it. Little guys siffer. Many from my camp are in the binghamton area, they just hop across state lines.

The governor has just put the cap and invest law in. She will collect like 3 billion a year from companies who used oil to make a profits. Smalls like wer'e getting 6-8 dollar gas like californa pays.
The oil companies could put a stop to this pretty quick. "Okay then, we won't sell any gas / oil in NY. Good luck."
We are coming into the best time of year to stock up on some ammo. Seems like of the more popular cartridges are quite plentiful now. Prices have moderated too.....some are again relatively "cheap". Ammo is like the buying into the stock market. Dollar cost averaging may be the key over time.

If a guy shoots a fair bit, checking ammoseek once a week or so for what you like is a good play. Just bought a few cases of 6.5 ammo for $1.10 / ea shipped that shoots groups like this at 100 yds from a factory tikka barrel. Once a guy sells the once fired brass he’d be well below component cost to load it himself.

10 rds
7 rds
Wind Gypsy,

That is some great groups, no need to reload that gun at all. Bass Pro had a Savage 110 big game on clearance. 243, 6.5 creedmore, and 308. None by me though. I could be tempted to hit the creedmore wagon. However, son-in-law hates that caliber, probably just internet mocking.... PRefer to have guns in his calibers. .223 is tempting, just don;t have a great place to target practice at longer .223 ranges. There's section of trail at camp I might cleanup. Think I can get 350 yards. Looking into mini picnic benches that make ok shooting benches. Will make 2 of them.

NY sucks no online ammo...........