My Caliber is Dead

Brass came in. Loading 50 and saving the other 50 for a rainy day. Only bought hornady 300gr. and some barnes TSX for non-lead Bought some 325gr FTX that can use the shorter factory loaded FTX ammo, but wont mess with that for awhile.

I never reloaded with new brass before, just factory ammo I fired. You need to clean new brass? Only got a tumbler, son-in-law does. No clue what media he has for it.

Got to get a load going for it now. Got IMR 3031, IMR 4227, AA1680, W748, and reloader 10X. imr 4198 seems to be popular, but cant find it. Got magtech and CCI regular primers. May need to get hornady crimper down the road for the shorter FTX brass length.

Debating crimping because I am using a magzine fed rifle, not a tube fed one like the marlin's. Might make a trip to camp in 2 weeks just to d some shootin'.
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I just don't like the way it feels. And I don't shoot hunting guns enough to get used to it. Any Savage with an accutrigger would immediately cost me another 100 bucks for the Timney.
They more now like 120.

I agree. Wouldnt buy another accutrigger.

LOve everything browning so far and i have 2 CZ rifles. Family is from czech republic and one relative worked at the BRNO factory years ago.
Anybody else like dead calibers? A few guys at work like rhe wsm calibers.
The internet has changed things a lot. There was a time where Japanese Arisaka rifles could be bought for $40-50 , because of box of 7.7 Jap. ammo was $75-95 a box.

Things you'd have been hard pressed to get brass for 20+ years ago are fairly simple today.
.25, .30, .32 Remington brass was hard to come by for a long time, then the 6.8SPC came out (using the same case head size/configuration and suddenly lots of old rifles had new life breathed into them. (of course the shortages and production priority changes of recent years made them scarce again.)

I can feed my .310 Cadet from reformed brass Buffalo Arms makes. 50-70 years prior the answer was to rechambered them to .32-20 (which worked horribly, the bullets being too small for most of the barrels).

I have a lot of older uncommon stuff, a handful of wildcats, a few less common calibers. Lots of them were labors of love. After a while it became more labor than love and they saw less and less use. Same with paper patched bullets. I was having a blast with them for quite a while, then at some point I said "I don't want to do this anymore". lol
I am kinda like that to with the labor vs love. Free time seems to be less and less. Even more so past few years, I moved farther away from work.

22lr get much more attention these days. No reloading, no cleaning, no stuffing a ramrod. My in-laws and neighbors don't get bothered when I shoot 22lr either. I was cleaning all my gun about 2 days ago, haven't handled my 54 flintlock in awhile.

Finally got some time to put a new scope and base on my marlin 22lr and put back together my wife's shortened stock marlin 60. She need a nice 22lr. The marlin 60, a rem 870 20ga compact, and a custom made 45 caplock are her guns right now. I got a few bucks put aside for a handgun when she gets around to do the paperwork. She had it in 2 years ago and one of her references died, so they told her to resubmit. Rossi makes a youth 22lr lever gun for about $300 on gunbroker. Thinking she might need a scope, she's 52 and wears contacts. Geting her a 223 bolt gun is tempting, and I can play with it too. However, she might not like the noise.

There's a gun show in Albany on sunday january 26th, might take her there and look around. Just noticed the savage Mark II has that accutrigger. Ruger has some sort of adjustable trigger too, anybody use them?
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Since I’m more hunter than shooter, except when it comes to single action revolvers, I’m sure there will be lots of ammo left when I die. Unless I’m doing load development I just don’t shoot a lot anymore. Probably 6/7 shots from my .280 Rem each year, depending on how many hogs or coyotes show up when I’m deer hunting.

Right now I am working on loads for a Ruger Blackhawk in .41 magnum though. Trying to find a good mid-power load that gets the job done without the recoil of the really hot loads. IMG_0374.jpegIMG_3553.jpeg
I keep the in 50 cal tins. Oxygen not only beats up the brass, but also degrades the powder.

Blackhawks and 41 mag. Very nice combo.
