My best deer apple

kickapoo, what zone are you in? Think that would be a great donor scion for the scion exhcange.

Also, if you like B118, you can get lifetime rootstock if you let a B118 grow about 2 or 3 year, then tip it over to the ground and cover it with woodchips. Be enough shoot for about 10 or so trees for years.

Got a pristine and a 2nd one from turkey creek coming. Darn coons. Not too many around my home, but will find out in a few years for sure.
I’m in zone 4. I use a a variety of rootstocks. I have 3 trees going in this year on dolgo, b118 and m111.
Can you post a link to roofing flat stock? Im not sure what you are talking about. Also, if trees are caged, do the coons climb the cage?
Yes, have also had trees snapped over the top of the cage, from coons