Moultrie M-880 Problem & Solution


5 year old buck +
Hey team,

I am having trouble with my trail cam. I am getting mid day pictures that are nearly all white or pink/purple. The camera is facing north. I called Moultrie today and discussed the issue with them. They said it's because I'm using a Sandisk Class 10 SD card. They advised that I switch to a Class 4 Sandisk SD card and do a hard reset and it should fix the problem. Here are the instructions for a hard reset:

*Make sure your camera is Off
*Take out SD card and batteries
*Turn to “ON” with no batteries.
*Let sit for five minute.
*Turn “OFF”
*Put batteries back in and new Class 4 Sandisk SD card.
*Turn back on and rock and roll.

I'm ordering up a couple new cards as we speak. I'm gonna switch out my other SD card in my other M-880 as long as I'm up there. I'll let ya know if this works.

The lady from Moultrie was very polite and knowledgeable. 990i just started doing this too. No rhyme or reason, mid day pics just like yours. I'm using a 4gb Sandisk and I think it's a class 4 or 6? I was thinking it was a stuck filter.
I'd call just to see if there may be a different solution given it's a slightly different camera. I got through in about 60 seconds and it was a quick talk. 800-653-3334.
Here are some of my pics. My card is a class 4. I'll have to go get the cam and do a hard reset.

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those are kinda cool browndog
That's exactly what mine was doing. The lady I talked to also warned about putting your SD card into anything other than your camera and a computer. If you put it into another camera, it could also cause that.
I have had some in the past like that as well. I guess it cured itself, because it hasnt happened enough to become annoying.
I never interchange my cards. Each camera has their own two cards. Cards and cams are labeled so I know they never get interchanged. I always check them on the computer. I did have some pics thay were totally black at night, that is why I think it is a filter issue.
i would have said that was a stuck ir filter, usually that is what causes the pink red coloring in daytime
Thanks for posting I haven't had any problems with my 2 yr old 880 yet other then almost to sensitive a trigger (prolly shouldn't complain about that)
Nothing serious. A little photo editing.

None of the pics I posted above had any editing done to them.

Browndog what I was saying if you don't like the pink tint you can just edit the photo to greyscale and have close to the same as you would have with your night time pics.
This fix didn't work. I'm gonna call tomorrow and send it back. Thank goodness it failed under warranty.
I contacted Moultrie today and I finally sent my 990i back today for chronic pink pics. I could see that the filter was not in front of the lens when I checked it in broad daylight for the past two months even after I walked in front of it a few times to get it to trigger. I know the pics could be edited but the cam is still under warranty so the cam went postal.
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I have 2 M880' s and 2 M880i' s and so far I am not real happy with them. Pink pictures sometimes and black photo's and the pictures are extremely grainy looking. I bought them because I have an old M-80 black that is the best camera I have ever had and still is...
My first few nights last October with the 990i all night pics were black and day pics were good. Took it home and tested it and the filter must have become unstuck on the way home. All my dark room test pics were good so I put it back out. Cam has worked fine until a few months ago.
I've been dragging my feet sending mine back. I finally called today and they asked me to send it in. I'll get it out today and we'll see what happens...
We bought a pair of M-880's off amazon and one of them had the weird picture issue so my wife contacted them and they got us a label to ship it back to them for a replacement. First they said they had no replacement so my wife asked for the money back then they said they found one and would get it to us. They shipped it snail mail and we just got it today. I opened the shipping box and before I even got the camera box open I knew something was up because the box had been opened before. The camera is scratched up and has a small coccoon on the lens area. The instructions are there but not in a plastic wrap like they should be and the Moultrie sticker is MIA. The plastic the camera itself comes in is ripped but the strap is with it... pretty ticked off. Not even going to test it because we PAID for brand new and shouldn't have to use a used camera :(

Have 4 of these cameras so far...
We bought a pair of M-880's off amazon and one of them had the weird picture issue so my wife contacted them and they got us a label to ship it back to them for a replacement. First they said they had no replacement so my wife asked for the money back then they said they found one and would get it to us. They shipped it snail mail and we just got it today. I opened the shipping box and before I even got the camera box open I knew something was up because the box had been opened before. The camera is scratched up and has a small coccoon on the lens area. The instructions are there but not in a plastic wrap like they should be and the Moultrie sticker is MIA. The plastic the camera itself comes in is ripped but the strap is with it... pretty ticked off. Not even going to test it because we PAID for brand new and shouldn't have to use a used camera :(

Have 4 of these cameras so far...
Was that amazon or Moultrie?