Skimmed the article. These "liberal" limits have been in place for quite awhile and comparing deer to ducks is not a fair comparison.
Drought and wet cycles can shift migration patterns. MN used to be a great duck hunting state and the Dakotas were merely ok. Now it is the complete opposite. Most the ducks hunted are not local ducks except in the early season. Even if you had strict limits, states further down the flyway likely will not have strict limits. So you really aren't getting much accomplished. Really the only thing you can do to help the MN duck hunting (and pheasant hunting for that matter) is improve the habitat. the DNR actually has a number of projects in place to improve habitat on or adjacent to public lands. FWS and DU have also bought lands and tried to improve them. The biggest habitat problem is all the farmers tiling everything in Western MN. Two things I would like to see is farmers tiling over X amount of acres to have to divert it into some sort of holding pond/wetland. Other thing is putting in wetlands by damning rivers, ditches and creeks to control springtime flooding (expensive but can't be worse than the FM diversion project).
edit: Didn't mean to direct this at you wildfire. Just got on a roll.