Realistic expectations

On most properties, there are not enough bucks to go around for the numbers of hunters. There may well not be enough does. To be honest, I am more protectful of my does than my bucks. We have very low fawn recruitment - we actually went seven years without killing a doe off the home 350 acres - including not letting the grand daughters kill one.

Common word on the street is your buck fawns leave your property and half your doe fawns stay with the family group. If there is any truth to that - killing a few subpar bucks shouldnt matter - theoretically more new bucks will move in to take their place. I dont know if that is fact, but our buck numbers dont vary as much as our doe numbers.

I like my buck:doe ratio where it is right now. To maintain a static buck:doe ratio - theoretically you need to shoot bucks and does in the same number - which we usually come close to doing. I think it is important to kill deer - and not just does - to maintain the excitement of deer hunting. Those 125” mature deer are hunted just as hard on our place as the 150” deer - and they are just as smart.

I dont want my grand daughters thinking killing a buck is all about passing 99% of the bucks in the woods. I dont care if they become 100% trophy hunters - if that is what they want to do. I just hope they dont think everyone else should do it, too
I totally agree with West Fork

Here in Idaho the Elk and Hunting Pressure has made Mule Deer a tough deal.

So I am giving up buying a tag

Idaho don’t sell many white tail doe tags in my unit, I like venison.

I don’t expect a Booner…but I wanna eat!

I am more satisfied at the dinner table than looking at antler on the wall.

So I try to thump dinks .

Unless a really good one comes by.