Missouri guys - who is hunting this weekend?

Dang, I hope it found my place.
If the seed is still there it will be fine. Hard seed will lay there in wait so long as it didn't germinate and dry up. I planted late one Sept and it got cold and dry. Rye didn't come up until spring but it came up.

Well it would sure beat replanting it all. Either way I'm probably still going to throw down some extra rye if I can time a good rain. We're still showing no rain in the 15 day forecast but that's still mid October. Hopefully we'll still have firearms and late bow season plots. I'll be sitting in the woods with the acorns in the morning overlooking one of my new waterholes.
I posted a couple pics on the live from the stand thread. I had wet ground when I showed up today. We must've got a little shower last night for sure when the "cold" front came through. 66 this morning with a high of 74 today. I also took a close look at some of the rye seed still laying on the ground. Everything had a little brown tail. It must've all mostly germinated and then died from the heat and lack of moisture. I'll be reseeding now for sure. Oh well.
Been out both weekends. Very hot and dry. A good friend took a nice doe last Friday.
My neighbor got me yesterday. Talke to him on the phone he Said we had 2 inches of rain. When I got excited he told me there were 2 inches between every drop. :(
My neighbor got me yesterday. Talke to him on the phone he Said we had 2 inches of rain. When I got excited he told me there were 2 inches between every drop. :(
Awesome! I am totally stealing that one.
Farmlogs says 8/10th last night. Came from the SW so hopefully you guys got some.
Farmlogs said 1.65 and 1.70 on my farms, hope it's right.
We got 1.4 inches this week. I won't be out until the 13th so I'm really looking forward to seeing some germination and growth. Funny how we can get stressed and then all of a sudden lots all good after all. It reminds me of the patience prayer "Lord grant me patience but I want it now".
With today being the Missouri Archery Opener I thought I’d try and resurrect this thread from last year. What a difference a year makes. We had perfectly timed rain after this summer’s drought to get our food plots off to a decent start. I’ve stayed away for what will be two and a half weeks by next Friday. I’m taking my first hunt Friday the 21st. I plan to hunt a couple hours in the morning. I’m trying a very low impact early season approach. I won’t even park in my campground. I’m going to park at the edge of the road, walk in on the property line to my closest stand and just hunt the fringe the first time. It’s not our best area but I’m going to ease into it this year. That’ll mean I stayed out of the majority of our stand areas for almost a month before anything gets hunted or even walked on. The food plots should be seeing good use by then and I’ll hunt a little more seriously. It’s really been a down summer with not much on camera but I was out there working a lot this summer keeping things stirred up. Our biggest buck is a three pointer and we only have about six regular visitors. I’m hoping that changes as the season and feeding patterns change too.
Anyone hunting this weekend is a masochist.

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My thermometer says 89. No way I’m sitting in a tree. If the forecast holds there will be. 20 degree temp drop this coming Friday. That’s the day.....if there is one you think you can get early.
Iam sitting in the tree sweating my balls off.
Nicely done!
Hunted yesterday but only saw a few deer due to mowing the clover and disking up a future WW/rye plot. Went elk hunting this yr and it put me way behind on fall plots. Back on the ambulance today...
And how did the elk hunt go?
I don’t want it bad enough this year. I’m going to hold off for the front that’s supposed to cool things off this Friday.