Mine still hanging

I got a spot at home where I want some trees that start dropping november or later. Got signal fire and AWHO in there so far, wouldn't mind 2 more over there.
Are you in N.Y. state?? If so, Goldrush & Pink Lady ripen / drop late. Goldrush is susceptible to CAR, so if you have Eastern red cedars around, Goldrush may get it if not sprayed.
As of today:
The Kieffer pears are all down.
The Honeygolds are turning brown or black on the trees.
The Braeburn is still holding some, but not a lot.
Red Delicious are trickle dropping.
Sweet sixteens are almost bare.
Liberties have probably half to two-thirds still on them.
Interesting on the Honeygold for you. Mine in zone 4b are still hanging and pretty tasty actually. So is Enterprise. That was after a few recent nights below freezing temps but supposed to continue with temps in 20s several more nights so expect the Honeygold to maybe soften up and do some changes soon. The Enterprise is still very firm and basically little change from several weeks ago. They do have a tough skin but I would rate them about peak on flavor right now.

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Bigboreblr: February Dropper is a feral tree growing in a former dairy cow pasture. It probably grew from a seed in a cow pie or a deer dropping. Sorry, I didn't take photos of my Red Delicious trees when I was back there, and I hate to go into that orchard now that the rut is about to peak.
m in NY and got plenty of rust and scab where I live. They say Sundance is the next best thing to Goldrush, so I got one of them instead. Galarina is on order too, that drops pretty late.

When I tore my bicep in march, I cancelled some of my tree orders. I just remembered I have some Ides of MArch to graft. I parked the scion on an old apple tree outback. Both scions grew over 3ft on the waterwhips I put them on.
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Today November 4. Northeast PA, zone 6

co-op 36, tastes great

Co-op 34, not sure I tasted

Nice crop on Goldrush planted in 2015. Small apples. Tasted one and was bland
Newer Goldrush also had small apples, soft after freezes but good Goldrush taste.

1 enterprise I didn’t photo. Had some nice big clean apples left and great taste.

Puget Spice Crab - loaded

Franklin cider - half rotted on tree

Golden hornet - loaded but didn’t photo
Co-op 36
The more I study apple drop timing, the less I understand it. There must be something more to the story.

I have several trees holding onto their apples weeks later than ever before, and others that dropped weeks earlier than usual. My wild guess is that they are responding to some sort of accumulation of growing environment factors over the past few years. I wish I knew what that magic formula was. I don’t.
Puget spice looks like a good holder.

Got a big dog on M111 that had a good 1st year. I'm moving it because I want my home trees to be all 2 legged frienly.

What the consensus on Big dog. Great deer apple, or is there better out there. Not killing the tree, just wondering to make another copy or two for the farmland I hunt.

Putting in a few more zone 3's for camp up north. Might be leaving the camp though. Worst case, the farmland will get some more trees.

Trying to make a row of 6 or 7 trees that drop outside of bow season. Got a shared family parcel that might get sold someday. Want to make sure the deer come to my spot in october 1st, if those trees make it through a potential construction.
Another data point. Liberty and NY35 Bonkers had mostly dropped with a few soft apples were left on the trees. First big crop on that NY35.
Another data point. Liberty and NY35 Bonkers had mostly dropped with a few soft apples were left on the trees. First big crop on that NY35.
You ever taste a Bonkers?? We have one Bonkers tree at camp. I haven't tried it yet. I got it from SLN on Antonovka roots. Woody tree.
Curious to hear about bonkers too. Even Liberty for that matter. Having trouble finding lot of varieties we like at a orchard.

Wife and mother in law wanted a macoun. Wished I planted that NY 414-1 instead.
My 2-cents, from Michigan south-central farm country, USDA zone 5b.

Goldrush are still holding well.....as they have every year that they've been producing. Clearly, one of my better 'late-hangers'. But what does drop is promptly eaten up by morning.
Libery has been gone for about 10-days to 2 weeks.
Pristine.....never (ever) has gotten beyond the racoons of September.
Enterprise too....(and Williams Pride, and Florina Querina). Racoons, or 'Trash Pandas" are a problem despite trapping 35+ every year.
Galarina....still holding fruit.
Redfield ----has a few apples still on. Last year they hung until about December 1st.
Golden Delicious ......all down a couple of weeks ago.
Sundance ----which is new for me and just beginning to produce, has a couple of apples still up.
King David....same as above, with Sundance.
Dolgo.....has quite a few 'mummies' still holding on. That tree is a deer magnet in September and is my first 'camera trap' location on Septembr 1st. But most fruit is gone by October 1st.
Kieffer Pears...which I have over a dozen, with probably 8 done for the year, all dropped. But I still have a handful still holding those big fruits.

My 'heirlooms'....(or, my 'VNS' trees, wink) I have a number of trees that I grafted from local trees that I admired for their consistency, persistency, and productivity....apples, crabapples, and pears.
I have some seedling pears that are my "habitat home run"......produce a prolific crop of pears the size of a .50-cent piece every year, and hang late, real late......but drop periodically enough to keep the trees actively visited.
I have seedling crabs ...several parents....that are all beginning to produce prolifically and hang real late.....December dropping (and by Feb. 1 .....most all fruit has dropped.)

Lastly, my English Oaks. First, virtually all acorns have dropped at least 10-days ago (and it was a bountiful year).....but what is also very satisfying about my EO's is that they are the 'Green Giants' of my woodlots right now. They are still fully loaded with leaves. Green leaves. They give a very satisfying appearance to woods that are now trending pretty bare and pretty brown. MY EO's are big enough, and leaf cover dense enough.....that I could easily envision putting up a ladder stand in any number of them.....and be very well hidden by the canopy.

OK, that's it from Z5b.
“I have some seedling pears that are my "habitat home run"......produce a prolific crop of pears the size of a .50-cent piece every year, and hang late, real late......but drop periodically enough to keep the trees actively visited.”

Where did you order these seedling pear trees from??
Got 2 or 3 seedling pears from willis orchards. Maybe they called them callery. Got a gin pear I might be digging up, still keeping a bartlet and a kieffer. Might be a apple sauce sweetener, or hard cider addition someday.


Would like to see your local crab collection a bit. I know folks on here would like some scions, if you got a good one or two. My local target tree is about 1/2 to 23s full of trees. A just about all white skunk biffed it on the road infront of the tree over the weekend.