2014 Grafting Adventures of CrazyED

I won’t move these until early May. I do feel the transplant from this bucket to nursery is when they are super vulnerable to shock. In the past I look for ideal conditions, past the cold, but avoid the heat. No direct sun. Plenty of watering.

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G squared,

How long did those grafts stay dormant before the buds broke. Might of had too little time for the grafts to heal/bond. I grafted m111 and anty a few each night the 1st week of april. Going to give them partial sun the 1st week of may. My dolgo's woke up end of march. transplanted them to a bucket. I grafted 2 of them about a week ago with violi's. Not too hopeful they'll take, but worth a shot.
G squared,

How long did those grafts stay dormant before the buds broke. Might of had too little time for the grafts to heal/bond. I grafted m111 and anty a few each night the 1st week of april. Going to give them partial sun the 1st week of may. My dolgo's woke up end of march. transplanted them to a bucket. I grafted 2 of them about a week ago with violi's. Not too hopeful they'll take, but worth a shot.

That’s a good question. I believe it was a solid 3 weeks. I transplanted as soon as I got a shoot that was a couple of inches and it murdered all the pears except one. Didn’t have near as bad effect on the apples which were M111.

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These things are going crazy. They only look yellow because my headlights are on them. They are nice and green, all pinched down to a single shoot. Just not comfortable moving outside yet. Hopefully they handle the transplant shock.

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Transplant shock overted.

So, what would be ideal for letting grafts heal and start budding? Think my grafts are pushing 3 weeks now. Some trees got about 1/2 inch long leafs, other have some green popping out of swollen buds. Should I wait until the leafs are close to mature size?

Far as fear of freezing goes, likely be good next week. After friday morning, my lows are in the mid 40's. farmers almanac says ave frost free date is may 1st in my zip code.
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I have the same question, last year I grafted 20 scions and placed in my garden after grafting and 19 became trees with me pampering them for the summer, I transplanted in the winter and all look great as one year old transplants. This year I decided to try the sawdust in the bucket and about 90% made leafs above grafts so I planted them in the garden and I am having less success. Most keep growing new leafs under graft and I keep rubbing out but the leafs above keep looking weaker and weaker. Some have completely died above the graft after looking good in the bucket. Many of them had just started with small growth with like 1 inch growth when I planted in garden. So should I have waited for more growth? Should I have planted deeper, to avoid sun hitting below graph? Should I have took bucket outside a little each day?
Yesterday I moved from 5 gallon bucket in north facing window of my non-heated garage to my garden. I have good manure/compost soils. I spent time on a 48” wide aluminum window screen tent. My garden is already fenced with welded wire. This is more for hail. Today was like 45 degrees and rainy cold. Perfect recovery day for the trees.





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Row 1
Northwest Greening
Bramley’s Seedling
Grimes Golden
Wickson Crab
Kingston Black

Row 2
Wickson Crab
Northwest Greening
Zambergau Reinnette
Golden Delicious
Bramley’s Seedling
Grimes Golden

Row 3
Honeygold (looks rough 4/28)
Kingston Black
Golden Delicious (failed)
Harvest Gold (failed)
Dabinette (failed)

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Hope the thread goes another ten years.

IT would be nice to see what you planted in 2014. How they're doing now. Maybe hear how your tastes in varieites, rootstocks, and planting techniques changed over the decade.

My rootmaker pots are outside as of Wednesday. They're on the edge of my front covered porch which get morning light. Crossing my fingers on 2 sundances and a winterwildlife scion. Only had enough rootstock for one scion. mehrabyan nursery sent me some big m111's. The antys were even bigger. I have one close to medium magic marker sized. so far 0/3 for the northrup mulberry scion. Hoping atleast one wakes up. Grafted 1st week of april. Basement is low 50's when cold out, creeping toward 60 typical spring weather. Do have heat in there, haven't turned it on while they were there.

Do you have cedars around? I planted a pristine last year, and this year it's got orange spots all over the leaves. It's about 20 yards from a thicket of red cedars I can't cut down. They got lots of orange octopus blobs on them this year. I have not sprayed them for copper yet. Might be a little weary this close to hot summer days now. Might be too lae to influence a difference on the cedars too.

The winter wildlife I got from you leafed out while on vacation. Wish I put it in it's permanent home though. This in a raised bed nursery with some spruces. Not doing a heavy clay in the ground nursery spot no more. Was a nightmare to get them out this spring with heavy clay mud mess. I lost a boot in the ground trying to dig them out.

That brewing method you mentioned, is there a link to that, or is it on this site on a thread?


Florina, Empire, Spigold, JerseyMac, Granny Smith, Arkansas Black, Chenango Strawberry, Macoun, state fair, Priscilla, northern lights, coop 41, coop 44. All from Grin. M111 roots from Cummins. 28 roots total. Not sure where I’ll plant them but I’ll find a spot :)

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I just grafted some of my rootstock that didn’t take last year (due to my error). I have some root stock coming in soon as well. Now I just have to figure out where to plant them and ask myself why I keep doing this…..