Mature buck pics vs seen on stand

Johnny 2014 rifle.JPG #1.JPG This buck and another good 8 point ran together in their own small bachelor group and I last had a photo of him on 08/04/2014. I laid eyes on him chasing a doe on 11/11/2014 and actually got an arrow into his high shoulder area but it was not a fatal hit and as luck would have it he would chase another doe past me on 11/27/2014 while I was rifle hunting...
Buddy 8.JPG This is the buck that ran with him. I last got a photo of him the first week of November but he was a roamer same as the larger buck he ran with so I have hope that he is still around... I have never laid eyes on him...
I agree, great bucks.
Very nice Okie,
Hope you left a few for next season

I love the tall genetics you've got running around.
I will try to get a couple of the other bucks pictures up tonight...

Thanks guys...

This is a mature buck that started showing up mid November. Never seen from stand but was at my stand one morning as I walked in early. I listened to him chase does in the leaves until just before I could see and then they left.
I like the 'why' part of the stories. What are you doing that makes seeing mature bucks in person vs on camera a reality.
Another... 697.JPG
I like the 'why' part of the stories. What are you doing that makes seeing mature bucks in person vs on camera a reality.
I studied the property and determined how the deer utilize the property with the ebb and flow of the terrain and didn't cut the oaks down... always been a big woods hunter. I do have a food plot on the property but it is mainly to just help the deer with nutrition. When it's that magical time in November its time to get back into the woods with the deer...
Of the 20 bucks I got on cam this summer an early fall I only saw 6 in person. Only one was over 4yrs old.
I like the 'why' part of the stories. What are you doing that makes seeing mature bucks in person vs on camera a reality.

To be honest the best thing that I do to see mature bucks while hunting is being an absentee owner. In my mind me staying out of the woods for 11 1/2 months of the year and having an awesome neighbor that keeps people off the land is the biggest reason I see any deer at all. Also my place is somewhat secluded where access is limited and is unseen by any road. Mature bucks love security and I provide that by not being there most of the time.