bat man
How many mature bucks that you get on camera do you see on stand? I think the property layout and perceived pressure influence daylight sightings of mature bucks.
This year I have laid eyes on 3 of the 5 mature bucks I can think of. #4 is dead and number 5 May be as well as I have no pics since rifle.
Last year was a little higher percentage seen as muzzleloader weather was more conducive to daylight feeding for the mature bucks.
Still some season left and late is my best chance to see bucks on food.
This year I have laid eyes on 3 of the 5 mature bucks I can think of. #4 is dead and number 5 May be as well as I have no pics since rifle.
Last year was a little higher percentage seen as muzzleloader weather was more conducive to daylight feeding for the mature bucks.
Still some season left and late is my best chance to see bucks on food.