Made it to the farm today

I did go in this summer a few times and brush hog them some trails. If that doesn't cut it, I may go after it next spring with herbicide. So far thier using a food plot in the middle of it so....their getting there somehow. I'll know more when I take a few stands and whiteness usage.

Good deal, you'll know when too thick...great thing is brush hogging it gets the rejuvenation going quick and in short time you'll have a great spring food source in their leaves and sight/cover in a year.

I am going to experiment with cutting into some lines of mine and shove some Miscanthus down in them. If in 3 or 4 years the MG accomplishes the same sight blocking characteristics I make shave off some more of the briars but we shall see.
Just posted these pics in another thread but I guess I should put them here so I can keep tract of what and why.

I only have deer numbers this high in the late winter. First pic, the deer on the farthest field are eating dormant clover. That's all that is there. Deer in the foreground are heading out of a bean field that was over seeded with rye. Pretty thick with dry pigweed as it is completely resistant now.

These deer are feeding on dormant clover (the dark spot in the middle). Light brown on either side is rye and oats. I suspect there is some green rye in there it's just that the brown oats make it all look dead. Beans, rye and brasicas behind the camera. They seem to have let off the brassica's since the temps rose.

I feel bad for you Bill - your numbers are so LOW .............:emoji_rolling_eyes: I guess the locals have moved right into your plots. Good for the moms come spring to have grub handy all winter.
The sycamore trees I hinge cut last spring responded well. The only problem is I cut them shoulder height and the sprouts are to high for cover.


So today I went after a bunch below knee height.

YES, found out myself that sycamores some of the best trees for stump sprouting! I mean just incredible growth in just one year. Nice!
Operation you can't enter the field here, you must walk under my stand. :)
Doesn't look like it but those cedars are sideways and they last a very long time as a blockade.

Looks like the deer know where the goods are late in the year Bill! I agree that cutting trees for cover about knee high or so is best. Lots of trees will stump sprout well as long as they have the light they need. Sometimes I cut cut the entire tree off to use the top as a barricade and then let the stump grow to produce more ground level cover. Certain species also make great browse for the deer the same way as well.....not sycamore....that stuff is about worthless!
Trying to clean up a switchgrass field. I hit it with 2,4-D and simazine on Wednesday. Looks like I got a good kill.


It even twisted the blackberries. They'll probably bounce back but we'll see.

Spring isn't the best time but I planted an acre of clover with oats as a nurse crop. Time will tell on this one.
Looks like you worked that clover plot up well, good luck with it.
Looks like you worked that clover plot up well, good luck with it.

I cultipacked the snot out of it. Before and after spreading the seed. :)
Are you trying to kill the SG also or just the weeds?
Are you trying to kill the SG also or just the weeds?

Just the weeds, other than a bit of crop oil nothing in the mix will hurt the switch. Crop oil might brown anything that's emerged but it won't do long term damage.
My beans are about a month overdue for some spray. If I can get the tractor tire fixed tomorrow it should be a good day. Very little wind.


The bed and breakfast needs water but the clover and switch grass are present.image.png

Poor girl, I think the sound of the mower drew her out before dark.
Ha, take that!
Last year when I sprayed the pigweed with gly it laughed and asked for more.

24 hours after hitting it with Liberty it's not laughing.....

How did your sugar beats grow last year?
How did your sugar beats grow last year?

Not so good. Fox tail took over and stunted them in the beginning. When I killed that off the roundup resistant pigweed came in thick. I had some beets but nothing pretty.

Round up ready crops have pretty much become useless in these parts.
Your yote pic - reminded me of the one I missed the other day. Man it was a slam dunk too only about 75 yards and I pulled the shot. I checked the gun later to see if I had a legit excuse or not......It's not the gun.....

Your "bed and breakfast" area looks interesting. May have to try something similar at some point.

The pigweed here I can kill with gly IF it's young. I have an issue with marestail here be gly resistant. I planted conventional corn this year in an effort to be able to kill the marestail with a broadleaf herbicide. May regret that if the grass takes over! I hope your switch shows up for you. I did a similar thing last year with trying to get some added into otherwise natures mix of weeds and I was able to confirm some of it took.
Your yote pic - reminded me of the one I missed the other day. Man it was a slam dunk too only about 75 yards and I pulled the shot. I checked the gun later to see if I had a legit excuse or not......It's not the gun.....

Your "bed and breakfast" area looks interesting. May have to try something similar at some point.

The pigweed here I can kill with gly IF it's young. I have an issue with marestail here be gly resistant. I planted conventional corn this year in an effort to be able to kill the marestail with a broadleaf herbicide. May regret that if the grass takes over! I hope your switch shows up for you. I did a similar thing last year with trying to get some added into otherwise natures mix of weeds and I was able to confirm some of it took.

To bad about the miss.....

Yes those bunches of grass are switch. Lightly seeded with clover a few years back. It's starting to get weedy but still does the trick come fall. Nothing like 5 foot switch sparsely planted with clover.

My brothers favorite spot, and smacks them here.
To bad about the miss.....

Yes those bunches of grass are switch. Lightly seeded with clover a few years back. It's starting to get weedy but still does the trick come fall. Nothing like 5 foot switch sparsely planted with clover.

My brothers favorite spot, and smacks them here.
Like I said - I may steal that idea..... I can see where the switch would benefit from the clover's N production and the deer feeling safer with the switch giving a sense of cover once it reached 5 or 6 feet tall as well. Would be a real interesting thing to watch. May even hide a centrally located ground blind in some MG..... You got me thinking.....and that is dangerous!
Well 5 weeks ago was my first attempt at buckwheat. They got a total of like 1 inch of rain combined in two rain events

At about 6 inches tall they decided they better flower.. I'm no buckwheat expert but I think it should be like 18 inches.
Oh well. They get nuked tomorrow and brasicas go in. My apologies again to anyone in the area. Me planting brassica's always causes more drought!
