Made it to the farm today

Not in Kansas anymore. But I did just leave. This is about an hour into E Colorado. Talk about open spaces!

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Looks like Tank wanted her spot back.

Lucky must not have agreed! :)

I gotta try me one of them vines!
Right at dusk is his m.o. Lately. He's teasing me just before he runs off for fall pastures. Someone is going to a happy that I didn't stick him last December.

I hope they "get" it. But you never know. His injury last fall may keep him grounded. No wait, think hot chick, he's going to roam.

He won't roam until the end of September. You'll have him in the freezer by then!

He won't roam until the end of September. You'll have him in the freezer by then!


I like that prediction.
tiem to do a favor for the taxidermist in prep for getting that one on your wall.
Word is I got 3.6" on my farm. Hope you got the same.
1.6 but I'll take it!
Hopefully your an early archer and you get a swing at him before he wanders too far! if he has ladies that are ready at his disposal on your place that may help hold his attention as well.
Hopefully your an early archer and you get a swing at him before he wanders too far! if he has ladies that are ready at his disposal on your place that may help hold his attention as well.

We don't usually hunt until Haloween but if he is showing in the early season and the wind is right my brother and I are drawing straws. :)
Clethodim works with dish soap! Sprayed this clover plot 2 weeks ago and over seeded with brassica's.
Finally got some rain so hopefully the seed will germinate. The only green now is clover.

Looks like Tank hasn't missed a meal.

The Tap vine/grape vine is seeing more activity recently.
It's almost time. Few more weeks and it's on......

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Rye and oats are looking like my saving grace. This was supposed to be an LC mix but the brassica's never made it.
The putting greens on the left and right are now oats and rye. Clover in the middle is bouncing back.

Hopefully we get the forecasted rain later this week. That will push it over the edge and it should do well.

I was kinda afraid of that but I like the blackberries and the deer seem to go right through them. Will the deer avoid the area if it get to thick with them?

I purchased shy of 23 acres last march and about 4 acres of a 5 year old fallow field had pockets of blackberries so think you couldn't pay me to even attempt to get through it and deer would never enter it. I have since brush hogged some, cleared some for plots but left some of it up as the 4-7 foot extremely dense stalks really are awesome sight barriers.
Rye and oats are looking like my saving grace. This was supposed to be an LC mix but the brassica's never made it.
The putting greens on the left and right are now oats and rye. Clover in the middle is bouncing back.

Hopefully we get the forecasted rain later this week. That will push it over the edge and it should do well.

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If the radar is correct we got about 2 hours of steady rain this morning Bill. Hopefully you did as well.
I purchased shy of 23 acres last march and about 4 acres of a 5 year old fallow field had pockets of blackberries so think you couldn't pay me to even attempt to get through it and deer would never enter it. I have since brush hogged some, cleared some for plots but left some of it up as the 4-7 foot extremely dense stalks really are awesome sight barriers.

I did go in this summer a few times and brush hog them some trails. If that doesn't cut it, I may go after it next spring with herbicide. So far thier using a food plot in the middle of it so....their getting there somehow. I'll know more when I take a few stands and whiteness usage.

If the radar is correct we got about 2 hours of steady rain this morning Bill. Hopefully you did as well.

Farm plots says no rain today. But there is a 95% chance tonight so I'm hopeful!