5 year old buck +
Really?:confused: Last time I checked, any resident of WI that wasn't a felon or owed back child support can still go down to any license outlet and spend $24 on a rifle tag, head to a gun show and buy a $100 single shot shotgun, run over to Walmart and get a $4 box of Remmie Sluggo's and come opening day he can drive to any number of pieces of public land numbering in the tens of thousands of acres and hunt whitetail deer in the state of Wisconsin(and most other states as well). Those guys pay taxes and spend license fee money in the state, why shouldn't they have a reasonable expectation of being able to at least see a whitetail deer while they are afield? Because the All-Mighty Dipper says so? :rolleyes: BS man! Get a clue and a life, if things are handled properly by the DNR, the hunting will get better in all areas of WI(it already is starting to in some areas and hopefully with enough pushback, it will in other states as well), in spite of the fact that naysayers like dipper will tell you it is all about their high dollar properties and possessions.You haven't realized it's a rich man's sport?