Lost Money Again-But Had Fun Doing It!

"Lost Money Again-But Had Fun Doing It!"

Thought this was going to be about drag cars and racing, been there done that..lol
A little off topic but maybe not so much as it is directed towards MO. I stopped in at my co op today and checked on some winter peas, the guy said they were a $1/#. That seems awfully high, what is a fair price on peas these days? And for rye?

I'd like to meet MO as well, this may be my chance to do so!
A little off topic but maybe not so much as it is directed towards MO. I stopped in at my co op today and checked on some winter peas, the guy said they were a $1/#. That seems awfully high, what is a fair price on peas these days? And for rye?

I'd like to meet MO as well, this may be my chance to do so!

I want to know when happy hour is.
I will vouch for Mo's fantasctic service. Although I didn't get any beers with my order, I did get it delivered by the most delightful women:)
Courier service?
A little off topic but maybe not so much as it is directed towards MO. I stopped in at my co op today and checked on some winter peas, the guy said they were a $1/#. That seems awfully high, what is a fair price on peas these days? And for rye?

I'd like to meet MO as well, this may be my chance to do so!

I just delivered some AWP to a guy from Lakeville MN that owns land here in Missouri. $.68lb
WR is $13.50 for 56lbs.

Check with stu, he found some rye for $8 a bu. That is a steal for cleaned and germed Rye!
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I just delivered some AWP to a guy from Lakeville MN that owns land here in Missouri. $.68lb
WR is $13.50 for 56lbs.

Check with stu, he found some rye for $8 a bu. That is a steal for cleaned and germed Rye!
My local co-op doesn't get their winter rye until mid august most years. I think they only sell what is harvested locally. If I want to plant earlier I get it somewhere else.
Hey MO - I got the perfect solution to keep you from losing money. You just need to start thinking like the government and create a "Transient Tax."

The idea is simple - penalize people because they come to visit you and do business with you. Cities make motels collect it, but you could just collect it directly.

You could use Riverside Cal as your model but there are hundreds of others:
  • Tack 13% on to the bill.
  • Charge your good customers from your own country who support your business, but exempt anyone from a foreign government.
Okay, I will shut up now. Just hadn't been on a tax rant for a while and had to do this.:D
Yep I paid $7.50 a couple years ago. If I want it earlier the other place is close to $20.
Yep I paid $7.50 a couple years ago. If I want it earlier the other place is close to $20.

Is that for certified seed? I haven't seen vns seed for that much before.
Is that for certified seed? I haven't seen vns seed for that much before.
I believe it is vns. Sold at a retail store so the price is jacked up.
Certified can be from $18-22 bu,

VNS cleaned and germ tested runs from $12-16 bu.

Just Bin Run, no cleaning, no germ test runs from $6-10 bu. This may be what Stu bought?
Yup, I shouldn't have said VNS. It is cleaned twice (fans I believe?), but its bin run with no germ test.

Stu, if you don't mind what is the source of your seed? If it's close to our other property it may be worth picking up down there when I visit once more.
I had one of the guys on this forum stop by this afternoon for some food plot seed. It was not much, under forty bucks. So I made about $4. But we got to talking about food plotting and habitat, deer horns and heads, Before I knew it, I had fed him 4 beers and I lost money on the transaction!:eek:

But I would not have it any other way! Was a lot of fun shooting the breeze, and he is a great kid! I hope more of you guys get to meet some of the other guys on this forum like I have! Some dam good guys on here!

I won't say who it was, I will let him do that if he wants!

Lol, I was the lucky recipient of the tasty Mich Golden lights! Thanks again for the seed and the great time I had bs'ing with ya! How was the weekend in MO? You might want to come watch softball this week, we play Flickabirds!
Just met another great guy from this site.
Lol, I was the lucky recipient of the tasty Mich Golden lights! Thanks again for the seed and the great time I had bs'ing with ya! How was the weekend in MO? You might want to come watch softball this week, we play Flickabirds!

Watch softball? You guys should have me play if your short guys again this week. If you want to win anyways!:D

Its was a lot of fun when you stopped by!

We went to Missouri to watch it rain 6" in 4 days and drove home....:mad:
Pleasure was all mine John. Truly enjoyed our visit. Definately have to do it again when we have more time. Thanks for the seed magazines too. Some great info in there. I did forget to ask you about inoculant for those peas though. Needed???
Pleasure was all mine John. Truly enjoyed our visit. Definately have to do it again when we have more time. Thanks for the seed magazines too. Some great info in there. I did forget to ask you about inoculant for those peas though. Needed???

You should be fine without the inoculant.

It was a lot of fun talking with you today greg. Thanks for making the trip.

I have said before, just another great guy from this forum!
The wife would love that...having 10 goons hanging around the farm drinking beer!

One is enough here drinking beer she will say!
She looks like more trouble than 10 guys drinking. :D