On another forum, a good ol boy from Ohio was coming down to the sweltering south for a short vacation with his family, 45 minutes from my place. He is a hunter and was curious about maybe working in a short hog hunt one night. Several forum members offered something up but mostly woods to hunt that had hogs at times. Just so happened, I had a good herd of hogs pretty solid on a feeder - just prime for a short thermal hunt. He arrived at his destination at about 6:30 PM Sunday eve and gave me a call. He headed out to my place not too long after and arrived about 8:15. He was headed back to the motel at 9:30 pm after reducing the hog population by two. They spooked before we got in position or he might have got another or two. A sultry 90 degrees and 92% humidity broke him in right. As an Ohio hunter, he was impressed with the skeeters, although I told him they werent really out good - yet

Good guy - glad I got to meet him and glad it worked out

Good guy - glad I got to meet him and glad it worked out