Looking For Estimated Scores & Which Would You Harvest?

He sure looks comfortable walking around in the yard..
I think you should open a bed and breakfast and rent to deer hunters and their spouses. :emoji_bed::emoji_cooking::emoji_deer:
Bueller, with the new site update I got to say you really painted quite the picture for me! Would insert a wink and a laughing emoticon but kind of afraid to! LOL!
He sure looks comfortable walking around in the yard..
Bill, seems like something about getting crowned new King of the Mountain (actually more like King of the Flat Backyard) makes them feel invincible. Think my stands not having had a body stinking them up the last eight weeks sure hasn't hurt. If had to give credit to what's made the biggest improvement in my place since first hunting it 3 seasons ago I would honestly say hunting it increasingly lightly and from greater distances has been a big key. First year I had a buddy I let hunt and the stands we hunted from were just too darn close to the single plot we planted and we both hunted WAY too often. Only saw good deer numbers the first week or so of season. Now I've given the deer about 8 interconnecting micro-plots to visit, only regularly hunting two of those, increased the distance from the stands to plots, and probably have averaged a hunt a month spread out over our long season. Thankful I quickly learned what not spooking them constantly will do to help make them feel more comfortable!
As a follow-up to the original post shared over a year ago I'm feeling fairly blessed on how things have played out...

Per a post shared last year I harvested Irma after he gave me too much of an opportunity to pass up, eating acorns in daylight near the house last December.


Then let Chief Osceola and MeLikey walk by on the VERY LAST HOUR of last year's season, the only time I saw either in daylight.

Fast forward to the 2018-2019 season and Chief Osceola appears to be King of the Early Rut and I catch him holding court, unscathed by any battle wounds while all the more jr bucks are sporting some war wounds.

Chief Osceola (R).jpg

So only bucks left from the list shared last year are Bo Jr and MeLikey... think neighbor harvested Bo Jr.

But think someone else just showed up...
And with that heck of a teaser post looks like I left my #!@*% camera cards at home when I left for work today. Pretty sure MeLikey showed up, though just for a quick check / definitely not a regular just yet. Will post pic and / or video first chance I get.

In the meantime will share I do have one other buck that showed up for 2018 I've never seen before. No craziness in tine height but sure looks to be mature with some unique character in his rack. Looking at last few seconds of video it's almost like his right G2 grew directly out in front of his G3 with both having extra sticker points. He hasn't gotten mature by being dumb... hasn't popped up in daylight in any plots I've got planted and mostly is hanging around my pond area I let the deer use as sanctuary as much as possible.

I like that new guy a lot. Excited to see MeLikey this year.
Suspect this to be MeLikey, though can't swear it with quite as much confidence as I did with Chief Osceola who carried over rather unique antler features from the 2017 season to the 2018 horn growing season.

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