Looking for a good pair of pruning shears


5 year old buck +
I'm tired of getting junk/cheap pruning shears. I hear Felco are good. I also saw a review for Bahco. Any recommendations from the tree guys? Thanks
I like my felcos. The biggest reason was they came in lefty and most every review I read on them was great. Their sharpener is pretty handy as well. A few strokes and its sharp.
I have a pair of Corona I like them so far, built well and have kept a good edge so far.
Maya, Ed what do you guys use?
I use the Felco #2 as well, and recently bought and like the Felco #310 for tighter work: http://amzn.to/1pvXNr9
I ordered a Felco 2, it should be here tomorrow. Thanks for the input.
LOL, My wife has a nice pair of Felco's and I have a cheap $10 pair I love! I loose them to much! I do a lot more pruning with loppers and bought some Bahco Pro's that are great. I also use ARS long armed pruners that work great on 1/2 - 3/4" limbs up to 10' high so I don't have to get up on a ladder.
LOL, My wife has a nice pair of Felco's and I have a cheap $10 pair I love! I loose them to much! I do a lot more pruning with loppers and bought some Bahco Pro's that are great. I also use ARS long armed pruners that work great on 1/2 - 3/4" limbs up to 10' high so I don't have to get up on a ladder.

Maya, Which Bahco model would you recommend? http://www.orchardsedge.com/tools/bahco/loppers

Thank you!
Get any of the bi-pass ones. You need to figure out what length you need. Get a good diamond stone to touch it up with.Let the pruner do the work. If you have trouble getting through a bigger branch use a saw.
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Felco F2 is my personal favorite. But get a stone or diamond stone to touch up the edge. You can sharpen them to like-new condition in less than 2 minutes with a little practice.


Get any of the bi-pass ones. You need to figure out what length you need. Get a good diamond stone to touch it up with.Let the pruner do the work. If you have trouble getting through a bigger branch use a saw.

Thanks for the feedback!