Live from the cell cam thread

Mature buck pictures have been non existent for a week or so for me. Starting to get a little bummed out.

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Mature buck pictures have been non existent for a week or so for me. Starting to get a little bummed out.

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I have never ever seen it just absolutely die like it has this week. I think one day this week I had ONE deer pic in a 24 hour period on a cell cam. My only prayer is it keeps up for the weekend when the orange army invades. Unfortunately a cold front is pushing through now and the weekend should be awesome…of course
Here is one I had on cell camera Sunday…I got another picture of him last night, but only part of his antlers. This deer always appears one or two hours after sunset, and has been on camera for at least two season on our 13 acre cabin property. I have permission to hunt an adjacent property. The fact this guy is still around Is amazing. The neighbors on 5 acres will have half dozen hunting this weekend, and the buck likely spends most of his time on public ground to the north.

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Mature buck pictures have been non existent for a week or so for me. Starting to get a little bummed out.

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Probably a combination of being locked down with a doe and the warmer daytime temps?

We have seen a drop off as well, except for one mature buck who for some reason is allowing a doe to keep him in a 2 acre food plot for most of the day. Looks like 3 good days of hunting and then it will turn off again for awhile.
Yesterday and last night were really slow. Action seems to have shifted from the food plots to the woods. Did have a decent one walking around at 8 this morning.
Forgot to post this one this morning new shooter showed up… that makes 4 shooters in a month, exactly 4 times the number of shooters I’ve had on camera in the last 5 years combined!!!

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My deer are pretty much nocturnal here. Gonna try one more time tomorow night. I've let a few walk....gonna set my goal before going out after the Viking's game. I could use some more sausage in the freezer....and a few more steaks would help my attitude. Taking my neighbor and a friend out on my land.....they are not too proud....and I do not impose any regulations on those folks invited (except it you shoot process your own meat). I do not want....nor need and "gifted meat". We shall see.

Just got the notification on this little guy.

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They were definitely chasing today. Many running pics.
Couple slow days after all the chasing on Sunday. Hopefully the slight cool down coming for our gun opener gets them moving.
With the peak likely over they’ll be checking for the last does. This guy decided food was more important this afternoon.

With the peak likely over they’ll be checking for the last does. This guy decided food was more important this afternoon.

He's nice. Hopefully repeats that move 96 hours later.
I've put a noticable dent in our raccoon population but have yet to catch a coyote running a line 1-2 nights at a time. Our gun season next week is typically my longest consecutive stretch on the land. I may actually be more excited about running a line for a week than I am deer hunting.
I think these cats are cool but I may need to look into getting a tag one of these years for a cool mount.
Nice pic - thanks for sharing. Cats are cool. We have 'em all around our camp region. It's always a treat to see them. They keep the mice / vole population down in our food plots.