Lifeguard chair on skids?

Frosted brassica

5 year old buck +
Have blinds on old grain wagons I like but don’t really move them, especially when crops are up. Was thinking of something like a two man chair on legs like a life guard chair at the beach. Anyone ever build something like that on skids?
There was a guy selling plans online just what you are looking for but if I remember right it leaned against a tree
I've been thinking about building a huge set of ramps I can drive my truck up on to get 18 feet off the ground. I would be much higher than all of the other truck hunters around here, which would give me an advantage. Then I could dump out 100 more pounds of corn than they do, and it would be no contest!
I've been thinking about building a huge set of ramps I can drive my truck up on to get 18 feet off the ground. I would be much higher than all of the other truck hunters around here, which would give me an advantage. Then I could dump out 100 more pounds of corn than they do, and it would be no contest!

I have seen ramps like that at the dealer so you can see under their trucks. Ha!

I probably won’t have time this year but I was thinking something easy like a lifeguard chair could get pulled into the end rows in corn years and be useful near a hot corner or by a path through the corn. Just a day dream at this point. I still have to fix one of my wagon platforms that blew over. Heavy old telephone poles like above sound like a good idea for skids that resist the wind. Thanks for the idea.