La. whitetails


5 year old buck +
Here are a few bucks I filmed from the farm this yr.
That is great. Thanks for taking the time. Kind of dispels the notion that hunting fenced ground is like shooting fish in a barrel when you dont even see several of your bucks all season. My across the road neighbor has 1400 acres under high fence. It was common for him not to see his target buck. He found a lot of them - dead - when he was burning in Feb. I think fighting mortality is higher than many people think.
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That is great. Thanks for taking the time. Kind of dispels the false notion that hunting fenced ground is like shooting fish in a barrel when you dont even see several of your bucks all season. My across the road neighbor has 1400 acres under high fence. It was common for him not to see his target buck. He found a lot of them - dead - when he was burning in Feb. I think fighting mortality is higher than many people think.
Yes, I think mortality especially with the 3 and 4 yr olds is quite high. We had a very large acorn crop this year coupled with a hot October. Hard to get in the woods with all the mosquitos and If you sat in a blind on a road or field you wouldn't see a thing. I bet I only saw 50-60% of the bucks on the farm this yr. Also interesting is I hardly saw a buck all summer. Very unusual With the woods so thick from regrowth after the hurricane their pattern of using the summer plots changed.
Nice lookin crop of bucks this yr. I like the clean 10s a lot. And that tall 8.