I suggested Keith McCaffrey to Brooks when we were talking this AM. The more I think about it, the more I like that idea. He is very well respected, played a critical role in designing WI's system and and is no BS guy. He has always been a bigger fan of lower deer numbers and hates the idea of private deer management, but I think that'd do nothing more than give more credibility to his suggestions, and I'd bet everything I own that his suggestion will be a science and data based approach to setting harvest goals and for estimating deer population numbers. If I understood Brooks correctly, this stage is all about pointing out the good, bad and ugly about the "system" currently being used and suggesting improvements to that system. Though Keith's loathing of high deer numbers, private deer management and QDM in general, along with being a key in designing WI's system, would lend credibility to his suggestions/findings, they wouldn't directly influence the setting of population goals...This is all about trying to define the process, correct?