Isn't today supposed to be "the" Jeff sturgis Day to hunt?

The " title " of your thread suggest your questioning or complaining.....carry on folks.....

According to Charlie:
rutting moon Oct. 27th
bucks starting to walk open fields, highways, etc. Oct. 23rd
2-3 days after the 27th, chasing starts
chasing from Oct. 31st - Nov. 8th
lockdown around Nov. 10th
be in your stand Oct. 23rd - Nov. 8th
Nov. 5 -Nov. 15, without a hot doe under treestand, no bucks

Super cool video! My cameras from the last few weeks agree with that Alsheimer says. I just went back and looked and I had way more bucks, and daylight activity occurring on the property from October 20-Oct 31. You think that you are getting good action on cams that early and that early and that it will get better once November hits, but I haven't seen that yet. I stayed out of my best spots until halloween, and I think I missed some of the best sits with October 25th morning probably being the best day from what cameras told me. I was seeing 3 year old plus deer on their feet every day on cams from the 20th to the 31st. I'm sure the warm temps we had last week didn't help, but a lot of big deer were being seen that last week of October and it has dropped off since for most that I am talking to.
Super cool video! My cameras from the last few weeks agree with that Alsheimer says. I just went back and looked and I had way more bucks, and daylight activity occurring on the property from October 20-Oct 31. You think that you are getting good action on cams that early and that early and that it will get better once November hits, but I haven't seen that yet. I stayed out of my best spots until halloween, and I think I missed some of the best sits with October 25th morning probably being the best day from what cameras told me. I was seeing 3 year old plus deer on their feet every day on cams from the 20th to the 31st. I'm sure the warm temps we had last week didn't help, but a lot of big deer were being seen that last week of October and it has dropped off since for most that I am talking to.
I've got a number of cameras out on two different properties a mile apart and nobody has been there since Oct. 24. I plan to go this weekend so after I review all the cards I will see what my best days would've been if I had time to hunt the rut this year.
It felt like a damn lock down today! I did have hot does by me the last few days prior and hunting was awesome. My properties are set up to hold does this time of year. E fencing my plots was a huge investment, and it might have contributed to some unforgettable rut hunts. It sure seems like it has
Nov 7-8 was great. Then Monday it was nothing.
Nov 7-8 was great. Then Monday it was nothing.
Yes it was, 6thpm was lights out for me to
Super cool video! My cameras from the last few weeks agree with that Alsheimer says. I just went back and looked and I had way more bucks, and daylight activity occurring on the property from October 20-Oct 31. You think that you are getting good action on cams that early and that early and that it will get better once November hits, but I haven't seen that yet. I stayed out of my best spots until halloween, and I think I missed some of the best sits with October 25th morning probably being the best day from what cameras told me. I was seeing 3 year old plus deer on their feet every day on cams from the 20th to the 31st. I'm sure the warm temps we had last week didn't help, but a lot of big deer were being seen that last week of October and it has dropped off since for most that I am talking to.

I observed the same thing. First mature buck chasing I saw was October 17th and I saw a doe bred that day. I killed a 5.5 yr old big racked buck on the mountain I hunt on the 26th and he was in heavy seek mode and came to my grunt call. Saw lots of big bucks on camera from that time through October 31st and everything has calmed down since then BUT trail cams are showing a big pickup in activity starting yesterday!
I wasn't able to hunt the rut but I had 7 cameras in the woods that went untouched for the last 3 weeks. Our best days for activity of mature bucks during shooting hours was Nov. 5th - 7th. But Nov. 10th was also good with some bucks chasing and others still out cruising.