Iron clay peas vs soybeans

You don’t need it, it will spread and cover ground like a mat. There is thought it does better with something tall and allows better pod formation.

Sorghum Sudan and sub hemp works well. Then you’ll have Nitrogen galore for fall crop. Both of those grow so high and thick weeds are kept in check.

Yes, will be planting with soghum sudan hybrid. Want that nitrogen for fall planting.

If it is just for summer food I would do a mix of cow peas, buckwheat, and sun hemp. I am doing the same thing but not looking at it as a summer food plot. It is a cover crop in preparation for fall rotation. Preference wouldn't be on my radar.

Yes, primarily for cover crop but also the peas will be for food also. I am concerned with how fibros and tough sunhemp is and attempting to drill in seed after terminating it. What is your experience?

Plan to terminate and cut mid summer, then plant fall food sources.
Another ? on sun hemp - What is its purpose?? is it deer food, or just a N-fixer for succeeding crops?? You gents that actively farm have equipment to cut, mow, chop, plow down, etc. As just a hunting camp, we don't want to go through many steps each season to grow food plots. Less labor, time, diesel, and tractor hours are what we strive for to get the most "bang-for-our-buck" when it comes to food plots.

Would dwarf sorghum work for peas to climb on?? We tried iron clay peas some years ago and they didn't do squat. Do they have special needs??
Yes, will be planting with soghum sudan hybrid. Want that nitrogen for fall planting.

Yes, primarily for cover crop but also the peas will be for food also. I am concerned with how fibros and tough sunhemp is and attempting to drill in seed after terminating it. What is your experience?

Plan to terminate and cut mid summer, then plant fall food sources.
No experience with a drill, we are 100% broadcast.
What's the best time (month) to plant iron clay peas?? Austrian winter peas?? (to get the most out of them for deer food).