I was able to get 12 more apple/pear trees planted/matted/screened/cages yesterday. Most grafted in 2021, but a few in 2020 and field grown until I dug them up yesterday and planted them. All apples were on Dolgo, I replaced a wickson on B118 planted last year after hearing all of the horror stories here. The apples were Arkansas Black, Enterprise, Franklin, Yates, Droptine and 30-06. Most pears on Bartlet RS and a couple on OHXF87 and Betulifolia. The pear varieties were Kieffer and a couple old locally grown trees that I am assuming are known varieties, but I don’t know what variety. I refer to them as Ditch Pear and Dirks pear. They are fall droppers and haven’t received any care for a long time and still produce heavy crops of large pears. I can’t wait to see what this property looks like in 10 years. I’m guessing in 15 acres I have planted 55 apple/pears, 35 Chestnuts, 40 persimmons, 40 Sawtooth Oaks, 50 SWO, 50 Bottomland Bur, 25 northern Pecan, 25 Hazelnuts and 25 Norway Spruce. I still want to add some Pawpaw in a couple groves of existing walnuts. I have read they will survive under/around walnuts. I have more apples/pears to add as well. I think adding more norways or cedars will benefit my property as well, it is lacking some thermal cover that I believe deer seek elsewhere, especially when the snow starts to fly.