Hunting song...

That's not song.

It was 1:20 seconds long so I guess I don't feel bad that I only wasted 15 seconds of my life before hitting the back button.

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Hey, for some odd reason I like that thrift shop songo_O and I'm the same age as John.
Still not "da 30 point buck"

You are correct, but this one is!

(I don't think da yoopers made a video of the 30 point buck, if anyone can find one I'd love to see it, this is just audio)
"The 2nd week of deer camp" - probably better than da tirty pointer:

Jake and I listen to both of the previous songs every year on the eve of gun season......

"The 2nd week of deer camp" - probably better than da tirty pointer:

Jake and I listen to both of the previous songs every year on the eve of gun season......

This one is my favorite
It was amusing.