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Hunting Gift Idea!



I have a 7 year old boy that I need to buy a few gifts for by friday night. He is big into hunting deer, or hunting anything for that matter. I am dam near 60 years old and have no idea what would a 7 year old boy want that would be hunting related?

Any help would be great. $100 or under!
Buy him a low dollar trail camera.
How responsible is he? I got my first "real" hunting knife about that age. Maybe that isn't appropriate for some, but when you grow up in the woods or on the farm, it is more a necessary tool than anything else.
I got a nephew like that. I like to get him real hunting things not toy version. Calls especially. Grunt. Cans. Rattling antlers. Kind of like getting him a drum set. He likes it. He will go in his room and practice calling in a big buck.

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How responsible is he? I got my first "real" hunting knife about that age. Maybe that isn't appropriate for some, but when you grow up in the woods or on the farm, it is more a necessary tool than anything else.

A knife? at 7 YO? I don't know if that would fly with the old lady.

But man I would love to get him a buck knife he could put on his belt!
So far these are all perfect ideas. I have a 10 year old stepson and been down this rd.

Red Rider BB gun was a big hit but he could only use it with an adult at that age.

Camo hunting gear.

A live trap. My brother got one when we were about that age. Trapped everything you could possibly imagine even living in town.
If you feel he is old enough to be safe with a knife, buy him one of the Western knife / hatchet combos that fit in the same sheath. I love mine and it will last a lifetime. Here are some on Ebay for under $100. knife hatchet&_frs=1
A Western knife was exactly what I had, got it for Xmas when I was 7. Didn't get the hatchet combo, just the knife, and I still have it and sometimes carry it to this day.
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So far these are all perfect ideas. I have a 10 year old stepson and been down this rd.

Red Rider BB gun was a big hit but he could only use it with an adult at that age.

Camo hunting gear.

A live trap. My brother got one when we were about that age. Trapped everything you could possibly imagine even living in town.

I love that Idea! Pretty Funny also!
A Western knife was exactly what I had, got it for Xmas when I was 7. Didn't get the hatchet combo, just the knife, and I have still have it and sometimes carry it to this day.

I have never found anything as handy for cleaning game.
Almost forgot. We bought him a ground blind on sale for $39 at fleet farm one year. It was pretty cheap but we'd put bread or corn out and he'd shoot sparrows, grackles and starlings all day.
Stick on targets are on sale at Fleet Farm right now for like $5. The kind that change color where you hit. Keeps a kid busy for hours.
tomahawk! I threw the crap out of one as a kid and it sure came in handy building forts!
Love all the ideas. Remember, I have to be able to locate this stuff by 4pm tomorrow.
Another idea - get him one of the snare sets they sell here. That way you could get rid of all the stray cats and dogs to boot.

But tell him to be careful! I know a guy who knows a guy that accidentally snared a yearling deer in his youth:eek: whoops
Good lower end trail cam. I bought a moultrie for my nephew that was 9 at the time. He was blown away excited about it. It also provides some healthy outdoor activity and attachment. I've had to prod him a few times to go check it, but when I'm around, he gets pretty excited to go check it.

Look for something that creates an experience, and not just another thing.
I was thinking along with other stuff, maybe a small camo backpack?