Hunt or habitat?


5 year old buck +
So admittedly hunting is what got me to get land 10 years ago. I didn't really embrace habitat management until about 1.5 years ago. Since then, I am so enamored with the habitat, my hunting is more about evaluating how good of a management job I'm doing! If you HAD to choose between habitat work and hunting, understanding your friends and family can still hunt, what would you choose? You are only allowed to continue minimal food plots if you choose hunting.
And you are still allowed to hunt but only with a camera :-)
For me, habitat is my first priority, hunting is just a side benefit of good habitat.

Admittedly, my priorities have shifted with age. In my younger days, I would shoot anything that was legal, and was damn good at it. I scoffed at my father and uncles, who were more laid back and far more discerning to the point where… heaven forbid… they left a tag un-filled!! Well, low and behold – today I am my father!! I just smile, and feel genuinely happy when I see my nephews shoot a spike as far from camp as is physically possible. The same spike I watched amble up the hillside two hours prior. Of course, the other difference is then I was a guest at the camp, today I own it.

The nice thing about working on habitat improvement is that there is no off-season!
easy one for me.


It’s great that what we do benefits so many critters. I would do it just for that.
For me, it's hunting. I purchased my first property last fall. I made my decision on a county about an hour from the house that is known for producing big deer. I knew I couldn't afford a large piece with tillable land in this county so I shifted my search and found 100 acres of wooded hills. I made sure the property had good funnels to hunt and was good area within the county. I'm 28 and would choose hunting right now, but could see myself getting addicted to habitat work as I get older.
I'm with Scott^. At first it was all about getting a nice buck,bear,or tom, now I have pretty much the same enjoyment from seeing a bunch of deer or birds in the food plots.I'm at the stage know where my son and daughter are just starting to hunt. I'm more excited if they get one than myself. I like to take a little of my land, but really enjoy giving more back.
For me, habitat is my first priority, hunting is just a side benefit of good habitat.

The nice thing about working on habitat improvement is that there is no off-season!

It's funny Apple Junkie...I can completely identify with your post, though I am not quite where you are yet. For me, hunting is my first priority and habitat work is something I do towards that goal. And for me I still feel like in hunting there is no off season! :emoji_thumbsup:
I rarely hunt on my own place now. I have a son, his buddy, and my wife that also hunt the place. If I hunted much at all, I would kill the few good bucks, leaving nothing but young bucks for them, so I hunt on nearby public land. I killed a deer on my own land this year - the first I have killed in about six or seven years on my land. Wouldnt bother me at all not to deer hunt as long as I could keep hunting public. Duck hunting - thats another matter.
So admittedly hunting is what got me to get land 10 years ago. I didn't really embrace habitat management until about 1.5 years ago. Since then, I am so enamored with the habitat, my hunting is more about evaluating how good of a management job I'm doing! If you HAD to choose between habitat work and hunting, understanding your friends and family can still hunt, what would you choose? You are only allowed to continue minimal food plots if you choose hunting.

I make that choice differently each day. This morning when the alarm went off at 0500, instead of getting up and heading out to hunt spring gobbler, I turned it off and slept in until 0730 and then hopped on a tractor and headed out with a bushhog. I've already harvested two gobblers and I'm fine not filling my last tag. A few weeks ago when our season started, I was anxious to get out and would have chosen that over a tractor or chainsaw.

So, I'm with Baker....Yes!
Good thing we can do both as I couldn’t give an answer without changing it later. I have young kids starting to hunt. I love hunting. But I love doing the work and am excited about them growing up getting to do the work also and getting the feelings that go along with wildlife feeding in the plots they help with or seeing beds in the habitat they have a hand in improving. That said I can’t want to be with them tagging their first deer and can’t wait for a certain buck I’m hunting to come in range this fall. It’s a TIE!
So admittedly hunting is what got me to get land 10 years ago. I didn't really embrace habitat management until about 1.5 years ago. Since then, I am so enamored with the habitat, my hunting is more about evaluating how good of a management job I'm doing! If you HAD to choose between habitat work and hunting, understanding your friends and family can still hunt, what would you choose? You are only allowed to continue minimal food plots if you choose hunting.

I am shocked by this message, but not surprised, instant gratification because hunting didn't work? You started habitat management 1.5 years ago ... that sounds liked you started to plant a few plants and shrubs from Walmart and planting them in your yard ....

Nobody can answer your question, because what you are asking is what are you about ... The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has started to understand the meaning of life.

You can hunt any where, sculpting a land has no finishing line ... what is your vision for your property? :emoji_wink: