How to treat skunked dog?


So I know many of us here have dogs in and around the house. Sooner or later if they are out in the woods or the like they will come across a pole-cat (skunk). I am curious as to what different treatments you all have used. One of the dogs we have has been sprayed twice now in about 2 weeks. We apply a mix of peroxide and baking soda when the dog is dry, then wash with dawn dishsoap and warm water. This seems to only cut the a tolerable level....and as soon as she gets wet again the smell comes back. I need something that works.
Good luck. Tried a number of "solutions" some years ago when mine got a direct shot to the face- nearly killed him(sure acted that way). Had no time to do anything but carry him in the house and start hosing his face off in the shower(was cold out). The smell was in the house for months(after an ozone generator even).

I think the stuff we used helped- Nature's Miracle was one of the products. Like you said once he got wet you could smell it again though. It was the house itself that was the worst.

I trapped and shot the skunk that same night. Was under the shed.
Shave it bald then treat with something. Ive used the deer hunting labled stuff with ok results. The scent is in the hair, cut it off.
Have used Natures Miracle Skunk Odor Remover with good success. Usually have to wash them at least 3 times to break down the oils from the skunk. Get them good and soapy and really rub in. Wash the towels you dry with in between.

Wash their bedding and you may want to keep them in the garage for a few days.
Years ago my late best friend wanted to go out in middle of night. Odd but I let him out and as soon as he came back in I realized he was sprayed. He must have known the skunk was out there since he woke me up at a unusual time. Went to fire up the jeep (no roof or doors so the obvious go to. Dead battery. Im not always thinking clearly when I just wake up, rather than jump the jeep we got in my truck and drove to local car wash that has a coin operated dog wash with a 'skunk odor' wash. It worked wonders. Could actually see the oils floating off. Worst part was my work truck stunk for that whole summer. Left windows open rain or shine, was very close to filling an insurance claim to have interior replaced
Thanks everyone for the info.....she is tolerable now when she is dry, but as soon as she gets wet...she stinks again. Looks like I'll be placing an on-line order.
So I know many of us here have dogs in and around the house. Sooner or later if they are out in the woods or the like they will come across a pole-cat (skunk). I am curious as to what different treatments you all have used. One of the dogs we have has been sprayed twice now in about 2 weeks. We apply a mix of peroxide and baking soda when the dog is dry, then wash with dawn dishsoap and warm water. This seems to only cut the a tolerable level....and as soon as she gets wet again the smell comes back. I need something that works.
Apologies for resurrecting a nearly year old thread but will weigh in on this one.
You were on the right track and as far as I am concerned the peroxide/baking soda/dish soap mixture, it is the best way to go IMO.
This is a volatile mix so store everything seperate until needed. I keep a dollar store bucket packed long dish washing gloves and the ingredients under the seat in my dog hauling rig.
Wet the dog first, mix all the ingredients in your bucket and lather it into the dogs coat. Let it sit for 10 minutes or as long as the dog will let you but the longer the better. Rinse the dog. repeat if needed. It will bleach the coat but the color will come back in time.
I think Natures Miracle and other potions are more of a mask then an odor remover but I would not be afraid to use one after the peroxide cocktail to at least make the dog smell reasonable again. LOL
Not an answer to the question, in fact been blessed to never have had one of my dogs sprayed... BUT... this thread brought back odiferous memories of the best squirrel hunting dog I ever had. Her only weakness was she loved rolling in poop of any sort (other than her own / appreciate it's thought to be a scent masking trait employed for hunting purposes). Anyway while out squirrel hunting one day, I found her enthusiastically rolling in something and yelled at her to stop. As I approached her the smell was just flat out awful. Worst odor I've ever smelled, with skunk not even close. The culprit? A quite rotten decaying turtle. She was an outside dog, so I honestly don't remember us willingly trying anything... but do remember couldn't pet her for quite a while, and I'm talking weeks, maybe even months, and definitely not days! Ahhh, the memories!
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Whew good luck. My idiot boxers got nailed by one years ago. Let them out right before bed. First came back in spitting and sneezing. Thought that's odd. As she was running upstairs I finally caught a whiff. Baking soda and dish soap helped but time is the only thing that works in my opinion. you'll be catching a whiff of skunk every now and then for a long time. It get's engrained in your nostrils.
I was a K9 handler for 11 years...My dog was obsessed with skunks and got US sprayed many times...I caught a lot of flack for it many times....I literally got sprayed then responded to a riot on my way home to get cleaned. Upon arrival while still in the car we cleared the whole scene because of the smell! No exaggeration there at all....Anyhow I used dawn dish soap(doesn't matter at all but green apple was my favorite) arm and hammer and peroxide...mix it into a paste and it kind of exfoliates. Got the smell out of the car, dog and myself and uniforms...Only thing I could not get it totally out of was the rubber piece that connects the wire onto my radio microphone. If I got it wet I could smell the odor again. Good Luck.
An ADC trapper I used to know swore by using Feminine Hygiene Douche. Swore it took the smell away better than anything else he used.
sorry about your luck j bird. Hope it got sorted out. We by caught one in a trap this weekend. My 3 boys were around and I still can't get the smell completely out of my truck. May have to let the ozonics run for a while.
Not an answer to the question, in fact been blessed to never have had one of my dogs sprayed... BUT... this thread brought back odiferous memories of the best squirrel hunting dog I ever had. Her only weakness was she loved rolling in poop of any sort (other than her own / appreciate it's thought to be a scent masking trait employed for hunting purposes). Anyway while out squirrel hunting one day, I found her enthusiastically rolling in something and yelled at her to stop. As I approached her the smell was just flat out awful. Worst odor I've ever smelled, with skunk not even close. The culprit? A quite rotten decaying turtle. She was an outside dog, so I honestly don't remember us willingly trying anything... but do remember couldn't pet her for quite a while, and I'm talking weeks, maybe even months, and definitely not days! Ahhh, the memories!
I had a female black lab similar to that. I took her training at a local lake once and while i was setting up i let her go "air out". Well, i was ready so i called her. As she approached i noticed something on her back and sides. As she got closer im not sure what i noticed first, the smell or what the stuff on her back was. Yep, it was toilet paper. Good times
The skunk spray is greasy, so you need something strong to cut it and not just smear it around the dog. We had success with GOOP hand cleaner.