How do you store your acorns/chestnuts?


5 year old buck +
I finally put away all my acorns and chestnuts today. They have been in the fridge in ziplock bags but no peat moss. I mixed some damp peat moss with the acorns and put them in new labeled bags and back in the fridge. How does everyone else store them over the winter?



I stored my DCO acorns in ziplock bags with a damp paper towel last winter. Chestnuts I stored dry in ziplock bags, delayed germination a bit, but I eventually got 95% of them to germinate.
I stored chestnuts in peat moss last winter an they got moldy. This yr I am doing what turkey creek described above with a damp paper towel. This will be done with burrs , chestnuts an chinkapin
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Good stuff Scott - those SWO look nice. ;)

I use damp peat in ziploc - seems to work ok. I watch for mold reguarly though. rebag if I see any.
Good stuff Scott - those SWO look nice. ;)

I use damp peat in ziploc - seems to work ok. I watch for mold reguarly though. rebag if I see any.

Yea apparently you can get them pre-packed in peat if you know the right people :D
Last year I stored 5 lbs. of extra large Dunstan's nuts dry - I used three 1 gallon freezer bags with about 55 nuts in each bag. I maintained the frig temp around 35 -39 degrees. Stored the nuts from October to February - then added moist sphagnum moss and kept the nuts in the frig until they started to germinate which took between two and six weeks. Best of Luck!!