First year planting buckwheat on new property. Put in 9 plots. One of them failed—not sure why.
This one on a hilltop in middle of an oak/hickory/walnut/cedar timber. We cleared the trees and have a good planting. Plan to roller-crimp it in two weeks for fall planting on brassicas on one side and greens on the other. The tall green you see in the background is a healthy stand of Egyptian wheat we planted along the logging road.
One learning on this plot—- our notill drill broke down with 2 rounds left. (Actually, the tractor pulling the drill
) I sowed with an Earthway hand sower 2 days later right after a rain. That did not do nearly as well as what we drilled.
The one plot that failed, we plan to spread lime to get the pH up based on soil test soil sample and just put tillage radish in this year. Then later in fall, oversees with cereal rye.
Anyone else have experience planting to improve soil? It is an old cattle pasture. We killed a lot of brome, and where we planted buckwheat, instead iron weed and milkweed and a bunch of other weeds came up. The Egyptian wheat screening 30 yards away came up fine. Thoughts?
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