How bad is the ammo n gun shortage by you?

#1 reason, for me, to own a suppressor, is so I can still shoot guns at my hunting property and not feel like i'm blowing up the woods with noise.
#2 is not having to need hearing protection for some innocent afternoon plinking.
#3 the cat doesn't startle when I shoot the suppressed guns.

It's one of those things you need to experience.

Gotcha, that makes sense. I have a suppressor and been around a lot of shooting with them but I just don’t ever shoot for fun or practice where I hunt so hadn’t considered that. I never shoot subs because the external and terminal ballistics are lousy compared to shooting normal speeds but your case makes sense.
I've been reloading for rifles for over 40 years.....and before that reloaded shot shells when I did some trap shooting. In the 80's Id shoot as many as 6,000 rounds on a single prairie dog hunt....and we did that multiple times each year....usually in So Dakota...but also Wyoming and Montanna. Also did some competition bench rest shooting for a period of time and a whole lot of target shooting at our local range. Mostly all reloading on a single stage press and / or hand dies....and all were custom loads made to fit my chambers. I accumulated allot of components for a variety of cartridges over that time. Also allot of ammo for common hunting rounds.

Back in time....I'd buy varmint bullets for less than .05 / pc and primers were .02, 28 grains of Hodgedon BLC2 and I'd have complete 223 rounds at about .12 each. and a few cents more for 22-250's. Bingo. Things have changed from when I was active at this.....but then they changed for the guys before me that were buying surplus Wii powder at unbelievable low prices. That's basically how Hodgedon Powder Company got started - selling surplus powder. Interesting times for me as I got to know so many of the industry folks that owned Hodgedon, Berger, Hornady, Sierra, Sinclair, and others.....and went on hunts with some of those guys.

I loaded up on primers during a prior tight supply period in the 90's buying over 80,000 back then......and recently sold several thousand as the prices are attractive now. Also sold a few thousand rounds of Winchester 22-250. Over that time, I accumulated enough bullets, primers and powders (and ammo) to satisfy my needs for my lifetime. Looking at the prices paid then.....almost makes me blush. I bought thousands of Sierra Hollow point vermint bullets for like $10 / thousand at one time. (knew some of the right people) I'd hate to replace it all at today's prices. I'm giving most of my stuff to my family.....and keeping some powder dry for Armageddon. lol. advice is stock up when ammo and components are plentiful. That day will come again.
Maybe your the culprit that I had to buy those expensive primers from on Gunbroker! 😄
Maybe your the culprit that I had to buy those expensive primers from on Gunbroker! 😄
LOL....could be. I sold mine thru a local dealer who does lots of GunBroker stuff. I really did not plan to sell any.....but at these prices.....I could not resist cashing some in. Buy your overshoes in July. ;). I sold allot of WLR, Federal LR, and some Remington LR primers. Also some 22-250 Winchester ammo w/ 40 grain bullets.
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Gotcha, that makes sense. I have a suppressor and been around a lot of shooting with them but I just don’t ever shoot for fun or practice where I hunt so hadn’t considered that. I never shoot subs because the external and terminal ballistics are lousy compared to shooting normal speeds but your case makes sense.

There are also some sensitive situations where subs might make sense. For example, you may be in a neighborhood over-run with deer. Firearms may be permitted, but non-hunting neighbors may object. Rather than causing problems with neighbors you need to live with, going under the radar is often the best strategy.

We got the blaze orange law in our state changed in some suburban areas where firearm hunting is not permitted. Bowhunters used to have to wear blaze orange even though there was no gun hunting permitted in the area. There were lots of complaints from the non-hunting crowd..."They are gonna shoot my kids" not understanding bowhunting at all. While the bowhunters were completely legal, their hunts were often ruined by non-hunters who could see them at long distances with the leaves off the trees. Now they can hunt in camo and complaints have gone way down.
What component shortage I hadn’t noticed. Ok just kidding do as Froggy suggests and stock up on components during times of plenty components cycle quite a bit and you don’t want to have to buy when there scarcer than hens teeth.
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^. You do have allot of powder. I'm a bit weak in that department......but I also do not shoot so much anymore. If I find some good value in some H4831 or similar.....I may add to my powder cashe.
You guys ware making the rest of us Jelly! 😄
I've noticed some stuff being stocked back up. I usually have a pretty good stock of powder on hand, but was getting a little low. Just over the past 2 months, I was able to completely stock back up on RL-15, H-4350, Lil'Gun and Big Game. As far as bullets go, if you shoot Hornady, you're good to go. Nosler, not so much.
Was at a gunshow over the weekend and it was very noticeable that there was a lot if ammo there. Prices were high, but it's there if you need it.
Sold all my reloading stuff in 2020. 450 marlin is usually my goto caliber for hunting, not much fun for casual shooting after about 5 shots....

NY enacted a sign your name to what you buy ammo law in sept....... Bought a bunch of 22lr and 308 for my new savage before the law went into effect. Most of my target shooting is 22lr and muzzleloader.

It looks better than it did in the summer. Alot of NY folks were doing something similar to me. IT was wierd to me atleast, all the centerfire rounds emtied out, and tons upno tons of 22lr.
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Sold all my reloading stuff in 2020. 450 marlin is usually my goto caliber for hunting, not much fun for casual shooting after about 5 shots....

NY enacted a sign your name to what you buy ammo law in sept....... Bought a bunch of 22lr and 308 for my new savage. Most of my target shooting is 22lr and muzzleloader.
I sold all of mine in 2020 as well. While the shortage is a pain, I've been able to get what is needed for hunting, and have plenty of S&W 50, .223, 9mm and 22LR for plinking. I thought I had enough black powder and muzzleloading supplies, but I am down to a one season supply for ML and pretty much out for BP shooting with the 45s. Would love to have a suppressor, and will likely get one one of these days for the primary reason of reducing noise in the neighborhood, as our farms are being encroached upon by McMansion subdivisions.
Im done with wasting time looking for ammo that used to be sold all day long at the local store so I ordered reload equipment and have a good friend that will show me how to make the most accurate loads
I've found mine in the small out of the way gun shops and stores. I have a .300 savage and a .280 Remington. Searched forever for both. Finally found both of them in a small mennonite grocery/hardware/sporting goods store. Now I had to pay through the nose for them ($60 a box for both) But it was that or not have any.
Anyone have any luck finding remington sabot slugs? My Savage 220 shoots really well with them, but I haven't found them for a couple years. I still have enough to last a couple more seasons, but I would feel better if I could find another dozen boxes.
Anyone have any luck finding remington sabot slugs? My Savage 220 shoots really well with them, but I haven't found them for a couple years. I still have enough to last a couple more seasons, but I would feel better if I could find another dozen boxes.
Zero luck. I read in a few forums the Accutips were discontinued. I was tired of searching for good slugs for the past 3 yrs, so made the call to buy straight wall rifles.
I'd like to buy some 25-06 ammo with decent bullets. Have not found any for many months. 280 Rem is also non-exisitant for me.......but I do have enough of that for several years......and I have dies and bullets for a lifetime. Just never got around to buying any 25-06 dies.....and I only shoot it a few times each year. I like the gun (savage) as it's got a heavy barrel and shoots lights out accurate at any range I shoot at my property. I dont recall ever needing more than one shot with that rifle on deer or antelope. Bang.......crappie flop. Grin.
I've been looking for some Winchester 30-06 Springfield 150 gr PowerMax Bonded PHP X30061BP for quite a long time with no luck. Fortunately, I'm set with my Win Mag .300 loads.
Reloading component prices have finally got to the point where it no longer makes sense for me to load precision .223 loads for practice anymore unless it's something specialized like the 85.5 bergers/88 ELDm that will make a difference bucking wind at longer range. It's kind of nice to have an excuse to buy bulk factory ammo and avoid the loading bench.

ADI (formerly sold as Austrailian Outback) makes awesome .223 ammo with good components. ADI is the manufacturer of Hodgdon extreme series powders, makes top notch quality brass, and loads with sierra bullets and you can buy the loaded ammo for the current going price of just Lapua 223 match component brass. And it shoots great!
I was fortunate enough to have stocked up pretty well between “panics” and since I’m a hunter these days and not a shooter I’m ok for now. View attachment 54880View attachment 54881
Kinda where I am too. Used to shoot quite a only a few rounds each year. I'm about the same age as you.....and just dont have the need to shoot as much as I did. Gave most of my reloading stuff to my son-in-law and they are really getting into the long range shooting game. I've stockpiled ammo when prices were I have enough for the future. Sold several thousand primers recently.....and 2000 rounds of 22-250 that I acquired in my prairie dog days. Prices have been crazy.....but seem to be finally relaxing a bit as more inventory becomes available. Welcome aboard derycreek.
Kinda where I am too. Used to shoot quite a only a few rounds each year. I'm about the same age as you.....and just dont have the need to shoot as much as I did. Gave most of my reloading stuff to my son-in-law and they are really getting into the long range shooting game. I've stockpiled ammo when prices were I have enough for the future. Sold several thousand primers recently.....and 2000 rounds of 22-250 that I acquired in my prairie dog days. Prices have been crazy.....but seem to be finally relaxing a bit as more inventory becomes available. Welcome aboard derycreek.
Thanks, Foggy, and excuse the mess on my reloading bench, it becomes a “catch all” between reloading sessions. I assure y’all that it won’t look like that when I get ready to load up some ammo !😁
I scored some primers the other day $67 a thousand a bit higher priced than I’d like but I’m not confident at this point that we will ever see $39 a thousand primers again. Next weekend my wife and I are going on a wine and BBQ tour around Herman Mo so I’ll likely drop into Graf and Sons on Saturday and see if I can’t pick up some components. My neighbor out on the farm bailed his native grass field so my buddy’s and I will likely hold 1000 yard shoot pretty soon. My 1000 yard target is on his side of the fence against an old dry pond dam so I always wait until he bails before we start our shooting season. It’s an enjoyable way to spend a morning or afternoon plinking at 1000 yards with friends.